True Alpha

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" PAST "

'DAD PLEASE STOP EVERYTHING' seokjin shout as he saw his brother being punched by his own father.

His little brother fell to the ground - His nose was bloody and his lips was ripped. he look at his older brother terrified but give him a signal to just leave him alone.

 he look at his older brother terrified but give him a signal to just leave him alone

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However seokjin refused it thinking it's all wrong but his father didn't.

The man glared at his little son - disgust written all over his face.he suddenly grab him by his neck. "why you even born huh?!
'dad no!' 'Don't interfered me jin!'

The little boy struggled by it - fear shown in his brown eyes but managed to give a scratch on his father's hand but didn't damage anything because he's too young .

His behaviors caused his father to tighten his grab on his neck make him can't breathe probably.

You'll learn the hard way from now on to be a true alpha.....

𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤...

" Back to Present "

Y/N POV -----

I Growled at the red light ----traffic never been my jam, if i being honest i totally HATE IT .

'Just Changed it already!' yeah screamed at the red light already been my habit 'it's just a red light for god sake y/n' my sister Jihyo said

'Why are we woke up at 6 am again? ' i asked her ' to go to our pack house ' she answered

'right but why so early tho??' it really testing my temper. you know 'I'm not a morning person' she scoffed.

Me too sis but you know what dad gonna say about ' we're are not showing at the pack house ' right?' ugh....f*ck this'....

'You guys want anything?' dad said ' no no We're fine' i answered.

'Oh chocolate bars' Jihyo shout a lill too loud makes dad chuckles. 'you can take it Jihyo' i already know she is such a pain in the ass.

incase you are not noticing yet then I'm not a very patient person---- well very different from my wolf she or should i call her 'aurora'

yeah we're the complete opposite. and i found her strange obsession of something sweet on my heat---- which is something i don't like it at all.

They're delicious y/n!! not strange at all" she said a little bit offended by what i said..

i rolled my eyes.. 'well I'm not a kid anymore and no they're not delicious'

'Something sweet is not only for kids y/n! i shook my head " whatever you said Arora but I'm not gonna eat sweet on my heat anymore '

'but they help you with the pain right? you feel happy afterwards '

'Okay we needs to stop this' i immediately shut my mind link... ugh why everyone need to be so frikin annoying? '

i made my way to upstairs my bump into someone. 'Taehyung?' i looked at him surprised..

'hey sister in law' he hug me.. well yes he's Jihyo's mate. i know what you're gonna say but yeah she found her mate first .

'Taehyung stop I can't breathe' 'ohh sorry hehe' Jihyo and him are both same.. a silly wolf

'What are you doing here Taehyung ' "well you're da-- i mean dad told me to come too'
of course dad will invite him. of course.

Jihyo must be- ' Taehyung you here!!? Jihyo shout from downstairs ohh god here we go again

Jihyo run towards him and they finally hug each other.. ugh such a beautiful scenery.. make me wanna puke.

'okay goodbye you lovebirds and disturb me' well technically we're not birds we're wolfs not-- 'just shut up' i immediately to go towards my rooms leaving Taehyung and Jihyo laughing

i finally collapsed on my bed, sighing in relief as my body suck into my mistress.

i wonder what tomorrow gonna feel like------ I hope it's not sunk like today..

-----To Be Continued----

The heartless Alpha mate | 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 FFWhere stories live. Discover now