Traded himself

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Jungkook glared at Dylan---his dark eyes. I can sense fear radiating from Dylan and i just smirk he knew he's nothing compared to jungkook. "Oh look who we have here. I expect you to come here Alpha Jeon or maybe we can have a deal?" Dylan said.

 "What kind of a deal?" Jungkook asked as he look at him and then me. "Sacrifice yourself Jeon or you want me to hurt your little omega right here" He swing me up in the air like a thing. "let me go you disgusting bastard" I shouted. "Stay still or you'll regret it!!" He shouted back. 

"Let her go Dylan I'll sacrifice myself" I look at jungkook shocked "What jungkook no! you can't-" But my words cut off by Dylan knocked me out.

 I woke up as the smell of blood filling my nostrils. I gagged and stood up as i quickly shifted so i can see in the dark. There was a whip laying on the table, it was soaked in blood. I moved my gaze to where someone was gasping and wheezing. I couldn't see because he looking down, but i could see the whip mark on his chest. 

"Hello" i said. He didn't answer , i went to touch him but my hand never made it. Then a man walked he was tall with brown eyes. He strode over the boy and lifted his head by yanking his hairs. I gasped-- jungkook. 

He's Jungkook.

 "Like i said a while back son, I'm gonna shape you into alpha. One that everyone's fear" He chuckled. "Please n-no more" he grabbed the whip and lifted it but before it smacked his skin. everything went dark..

 "JUNGKOOK!!" I screamed as my world all crashed down.

 "Y/n! Y/n!" Someone's screamed my name as i shot from the bed-- penting and gasping for air. i was soaked in sweat. My heart sounded like a train as it slammed against my chest. 

I look beside me and find my mom clearly worried she finally pushed me down and wiped my forehead. "Relax dear you're okay. You're safe" She soothed, kissing my forehead.

 I took a deep breath and finally containing myself "Mom where's jungkook? Where's he?" A sorrowful look crossed her features. 

"He traded himself for you..dylan took him"I felt a burn sensation inside my eyes as tear starting to build and my chest hurts.."N-no!! He's gonna hurt him! Mom he's g-gonna do bad things to him!"

 "Your dad is working on getting him back , don't worry , yoongi gonna be there to and the rest of the pack" Mom said. "But still jungkook he-" I shouted. "Y/n you need to calm down for now that's the best we all can do" She hold my hand tightly. "But i want to help them too" I whined , sitting back up. 

"Y/n you need a rest , if you're exhausted you won't be able to join us. Now rest i'll be back in a hour" "Fine" I answered as she kissed my forehead once again and left.

                   TO BE CONTINUED

The heartless Alpha mate | 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 FFWhere stories live. Discover now