Dylan's territory

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Jungkook Pov__

I stared at the ground while watching the water rush by me. I have no idea what to do anymore. I lost my luna after what i did. I don't even remember at attacking her during the night, neither does my wolf. I guess i'm having a nightmare but those wolves that attacking my pack. I'm probably seeing them instead of y/n. Maybe.. i attacked her thinking she was them. 

Guilt was all over heart and hated it. I caused problem everytime i'm around people even my own mate. i got up and punch the tree in front of me. Anger coursing through me, I punch the tree until my hand feels numb as i began to hate myself even more. "I'M A MONSTER" *punch* "I'M A MONSTER" *punch*

__Y/n Pov__

Me and my dad shifted to our wolf form and made our way to alpha dylan's territory. I found out this meeting between them is about their attack plan for jungkook's pack. He said he won't kill him but just punish him. My father assured me that he wouldn't deliver and unjust punishment but of course i'm a little reluctant to agree with my dad I still have a bond with jungkook and i know that. 

As we ran to their territory my heart badly watching jungkook's memory flashing through my mind--he looked so..broken. No. I'm not gonna let my guard down Not now.

We arrived and alpha Dylan's immediately greet us outside, along with ryujin's mother emma. She was tall and beautiful with blonde hair and hazel eyes. "Nice to meet you y/n." She smile at me but it seems..fake. As they walked to their meeting, me and ryujin walked up to her room. I laughed a lot because our conversation. I didn't know that i'll actually enjoyed our convo.

 "So...your father actually agreed that you can hang out with me? I asked. "Yeah he's not a good alpha but i'm quite surprised when he did let you" She answered. "Not a good alpha?" I asked. "yes. you should hear his plan for jungkook." i look at her confused.

 "what's the plan ryujin tell me" "Why?" "Because he's u-umh-he acyually uh.."He's your mate" she stated I sighed at her. "yes he's my mate.."Fine. only because now you're my friend and i hate my date my dad" She running to close her door before comeback to me. "My dad gonna abused jungkook like his father did" my mind went blank "W-what??He was abused?!"  Ryujin immediately closes my mouth "Don't scream or our parents will find out!" "I-" I trailed off.

I didn't know any of this.... and i didn't give him time to tell. I ran my hair through my hand How could have i been so rude? i didn't try to figure out why he abused me and why he got upset when i said he was s monster. Elysia and taehyung wanted me to spend time with him so he can spill everything about his past. 

Yet i pushed him away and left him. Convincing myself that i hated him because i didn't want to live with him.. time to find out what his issues was. "Ryu..i'm screwed up" i whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What do you mean?" "I rejected jungkook" "what? why? "He abused me but i didn't try to figure out why..damn i'm such an idiot"

 "y/n don't blame yourself, you didn't know but you still need to say sorry to him" She said to help me calm down. "Thanks ryu.." "welcome but y/n..you need to protect him from my dad. He'll hurt him..badly"

 "i surely will." i answered her.

------TO BE CONTIUED----

The heartless Alpha mate | 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 FFWhere stories live. Discover now