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For the next six hours we all stayed i the waiting room, falling asleep slowly. After a while Taehyung picked Elysia up and said they were going to bed. I could tell he was tired but still reluctant but i assured him i would alert him if anything happens. 

I then convinced jin to go to the guest room since he kept shifting around the chair. He refused though going back to his territory but finally gave up. 

"You're an awesome luna" he said before grabbing his jacket and leaving. I smiled to myself , i never really thought of myself as a great luna. I mean i rejected their alpha and left him abandoning them. 

The though had my guilt clutching my heart as the minutes ticked by. I closed my eyes and forced down the tears, not waiting to cry anymore. I snapped them back open when someone gently tapped my shoulder. 

I looked up to see the pack doctor, she was smiling but looked exhausted. "He's going to be fine" she said before could even form a questing. I let out a sign of relief, "Thank the goddess. Can i see him?"

"Yes, but there's something i need to tell you first" "yes...?" "He's in coma. We don't know how long but we're hoping he's gonna wakes up soon." 

I felt my heart dropped down to the floor. A coma..he's in coma it's not just the fact that my mate is in coma but i'm left with a huge pack and i need to defend them from alpha Dylan. 

After that i followed her to the infirmary, We walked trough the halls and finally arrived to Jungkook's room. I looked at his limp hand and watched him. 

He had an oxygen mask on, stitches on the side of his face and his stomach. 

"He lost huge amount of blood during surgery. We found a pretty spot of internal bleeding it did give us fright" doctor said. We fixed it though, just giving his body the extra blood so his heart doesn't work as hard"

 "He does have a bruised on his ankle and silver in his blood but the extra blood should help it go out" The doctor added. I nodded, taking all the informations. 

"so..he's gonna be fine right doctor...? She pursed her lips, nodding slightly. "He's in between good and bad, good thing he sould make a full recovery. Based off the fact he was healthy before the abuse and he's an alpha so he heals faster than regular wolf."

"One suggestion though, when he wake up do not say anything about his pack. Until he's cleared, he cannot become stressed out" She quickly warned. 

"I'll make sure he stays relaxed" I replied, giving her a small nod. "good" she smiled. 

With that, she grabbed her board and left, closing the door behind her. I turned my attention back to jungkook and gently kiss his forehead. I rubbed a circles on his hand with my thumb, watching the rise and fall of his chest. 

A stray tear rolling down my cheek. "Please wake up soon jungkook.." I whispered, resting my head on the bed. I closed my eyes, fatigue setting in. As my world plunged into the darkness i swear his drip tightened a little.

                                        ______TO BE CONTINUED_____

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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The heartless Alpha mate | 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 FFWhere stories live. Discover now