Saving Time

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It is currently 7:18 pm on Halloween and I should be going to bed or getting PJs but I'm not! I'm writing this no idea what I'm doing just that this takes place during just before an episode and then during (ig, idk what I'm doing for this) so we're going in blind
Let's see what sleep-deprived me can write at this time!

Edit: 7:22-I realized that forgot about the Desentitus bounty being destroyed, okay wait nvm we got it back in the pirate epitope nvmnvm it's fine, I have the tv app opened so I rewatch when I need to, I'm stupid, I'm not felting this, when I wake up I'll get a kick out of this anyway read story!
Edit 2: 8:10 Nov 1 | heater turned off/errored so had to move to my parent's room to sleep, but honestly, I'm impressed by sleep-deprived me could write, I'm still sleep-deprived I'm done enjoy story no more edits, might be little notes here and there

Last edited during finish: *hands you meme above* food for thought *disappears*

I took in a deep breath closing my eyes and putting a blindfold around my eyes tieing it in place I listened to everything around me.

I needed to focus so I took another breath, the rubbing of the ship faded but I still felt its vibrations under my padded feet, the birds outside became to be like a thin sheet of snow, barely noticeable. I felt the air circulating through the room and how it moved slightly as my brothers moved quietly so they could get the jump. The floorboards going down but only the littlest amount possible, I could just make out their breathing.

I sucked in a breath as I spun behind my arm outstretched to catch the numb chuck coming for me, I pulled it down jumping into a side flip in the air making Jay lose his grip on the weapon, with my other hand, by chance, I grabbed his other hands' wrist I was able to wrap my legs around the ceiling beam. I twisted the numb chucks into a knot keeping Jay from touching the ground and the best part was he didn't know how to undo this particular knot.

As I was in the middle of tieing Jay up I could feel one of the others had started making his way over he was closer to the wall that hid the weapons. I drop to the floor in a crouch, then I hear the floor creak next to the spot I had suspected one of them to be. I turn and throw ninja stars that way, hoping I didn't throw them on the completely wrong side of the wall. I heard a large clang and sucking in of air ending with a hiss. A pair of arms went outstretched on the sides of my neck moving to lock around my throat, I brought my arm up before he could have a steady grip, I elbowed them in the face their arms withdrew letting out a groan.

I extended my right leg, spinning knocking him down with a 'Thwack!'
"Fuckin' shitin' piss," grumbled Kai, I smirked.

Then I was pulled down to the floor, my legs were locked in place and my hands held above me, "What's got you smirking Greenie?" I could almost hear his smirk, he got cocky, but I wasn't gonna let him stay that way.

I headbutt him square in the nose his grip loosened and I took one of my hands and blasted him energy sending him across the room when the door to my upper right opened. But I had heard the gentle footsteps before the door had opened, it was Nya.

I heard her walk across the room to where Uncle was, "Wow she's getting better and learning quicker since she got older Sensei." I could hear her smile and pride.

Kai then took my blindfold off, "Yeah little dude really has improved." I shoved him playfully and took my blindfold back.

"I just wish I had paid a little more attention before, maybe if I had I'd have better control of the energy burst," I commented going to grab a medkit to help Cole out. The ninja star I had thrown had cut through gi hand bindings(idk what to do out here guys it's 2 am rn: Nov 2).

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