2.7_pt 2-Reunion

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I feel to the ground, my knees hitting the floor. It hurt but not as much as seeing her. She had left me. In a school for kids like those asshats. For the bad, it only encouraged me to be like dad, so I could be with him and have his praise. To have something to come back. Replace what she had left, have my father refill the void he had left on his own.

Now she was in front of me. She looked the same, the same but had aged. Exactly the same but also a stranger. She had hurt me worse than my father ever could. Mom's don't leave their kids, it's in the unspoken rules. You love them, protect them, hold them, teach them. Everything she stopped doing when I was 8.

"Hey are you okay," she called. She sounded the same but also so burdened. Burdened? By what? Regret? Leaving me must have been the best thing for her, she could do whatever without worrying about me. But if that were true she wouldn't be here, would she? Her hair would be the beautiful wood brown she had.

"Lloyd?" Kai was holding me by shoulders from behind on my right. He was so warm while I felt frozen. The void finally swallowing me, I wasn't fighting it anymore. I wasn't push it down. It was all the emotions and problems I had stopped worrying about since I was 9 up til now.

She came over, her eyes, her movements. So caring and graceful. Why did she leave me? If she had so much care in her why not care about me! Was it because I looked like dad? Because I was a reminder of a mistake!

"Are you okay," she knelt down. Her eyes widen and started to water. She covered her mouth. She cupped my cheek, she searched my eyes, confusion, and recognition in hers.
"Lloyd," she whispered.

She whipped my face from the tears that I didn't realize we're falling. Her eyes were full of so many questions, compassion, care, wonder, relief, and...love? If she loved me why did she leave me!

"You left me," I said simply.

Anger took over, red was around my vision. I got up knocking Kai down. I ran past her. I heard them call for me. But it didn't matter. If I mattered I would be 12 right now not looking 16! Not having the lives of others depend on me. I'd be a guy still! I'd be at a regular school. Maybe bullied by kids about my dad, but I would be how I was!

I then fell on the ground and cried. I held myself on the ground. I wiped my tears after so long. I got up and went around the corner hoping to get away from everyone to calm down. When I came by a pit. It was blocked off by a barrier line, like the one used at schools to divide kids it keeps them in a line when they get food.

I went on the other side of the thin divide and looked into the hole. I couldn't see an end, but that didn't stop me from sitting down and letting my legs dangle.

The pit gave a breeze like it was sighing. I took a deep breath, my cheeks starting to dry from the tears I had shed.

I heard talking, it sounded more mumbles really. As they got closer their voices got clearer. I really didn't want to talk to them, especially right now.

I heard them stop behind me. One of them was going to come towards me but was stopped. Instead, someone else came up and knelt down. Kai put his hand on my shoulder, "Just listen to what she has to say. Please, just," he sighed. "Hear her out, please. Then you can make up your mind and everyone will respect it fully."

It was then my turn to sigh, I then gave him a look. But it washed away when I really looked at him, he looked uncomfortable, sad, and had an understanding and a knowing to something I didn't.

"Fine," I muttered, getting up.

I turned around to see my mom and Wu in front of everyone. Cole and Jay looked uncomfortable, Zane was very concerned that of was mirrored by Kai and Uncle. And finally my mom, Misako. Her eyes were so kind and gentle but also painted with regret, worry, pain, knowledge, and, once again love.

"You wanna explain the random pit in the museum," I said nodding my head back to it.

She obviously didn't want to talk about that, but she was just glad I talked to her. "It just appeared about 2 months ago, it's endless it seems."

"So a bottomless pit?" I inquired raising an eyebrow. She nodded pursuing her lips together. I then saw her satchel, it was full of scrolls, some from earlier.

"I guess that's one thing to call it," she said noticing me looking at the bag. "They're part of the reason I left you."

"Stupid, old, dusty paper?" I growled out.

"Well not exactly, just let me explain in more detail," she said a bit hurriedly.

"Oh, that sounds like a perfectly fine answer to me! Paper, old scrolls! Let's look in the past instead of what's right in front of you!" I interrupted her shouting at the end. Like who was she to just leave her kid! Everyone at Darkly's Boarding School for Bad Boys got picked up by their parents for holidays and shit.

"I didn't want to leave you, Lloyd, that was the last thing I wanted to do!" she cried desperately.

"Then why did you leave. Leave me!" my vision was becoming clouded, but I didn't care. I just wanted answers.

"I didn't have a choice!"

"You always have a choice!"

"Well I didn't, I didn't if I wanted Ninjago to stay! If I wanted to know my son would be alive! Not if I wanted you to have a future." At the end she got quiet. Tears silently fell down her face.

"What?" How quite I spoke, you'd been lucky to understand what I'd even said.

"I always wanted the best for you." she sighed and was about to say more but I cut her off before she continued.

"How could leaving me be what was best for me?"

"I never in my worst nightmares dreamed of having to leave you. And most certainly not on my own will either! But I figured out you would be the legendary green ninja, I only left you when I realized I would hold you back! And the fate of the world depended on that decision."

I just stared at her. Her eyes overflowed yet she didn't make a sound as she cried. All her pain out with some measly words and tears.

"How did you figure it out tho."

"Fate plays cruel games, a Prophecy give you the cards, and Destiny is the inevitable end of the game. I realized Fates game, and knew what Destinies ending was, I just didn't have all the cards. I did a little research when you were 7, and realized that if the world would continue it would have to continue without me raising you. But I was selfish and wanted one more birthday, one more day at the beach, one more day at the playground, one more-" she started to choke up. But I was too.

"One more adventure with my son. It was selfish, I realized only after I left you that that was why it was so much harder. If I didn't give us one more anything, you probably wouldn't be as hurt having those memories. It would have been just as hard regardless."

At the time I didn't notice, but looking back now we weren't the only ones crying. But I was so focused on her that I didn't realize anything else around me.

"So Lloyd, my darling, I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't expect you to just blink an eye and see the chase as through, our journey most certainly isn't over. I don't care if you don't forgive when we die but just know I did it cause I care for you and everyone in this world, no matter how many horrible, horrible people are in it. Just know that I'm sorry and I love you with all that I-"

I ran into her, not to hurt her, not to make her see how much I had been hurting for these past 4 years. I hugged her, practically tackled her.

"I-I-I love y-you too Mom! I've m-missed-d you s-soo much. I don't like that you left me, I never will but you are forgiven. J-just don't leave me again, please. I can't h-handle l-losing my family, not you, not Uncle, my brothers, not my sister! So don't leave me please."

She hugged me tightly, gripping my gi her tears staining it. I cried into her neck as she ran her hands through my long hair, just as she used to when I young boy. Except I'm a girl now, a young woman. It's hilarious honestly. Ironic really!

"I won't leave again. I promise. I'm here, I'll always be here. And you'll always have a right to be upset, always!"

1573 words! Holy shit! Hope you enjoyed. Anyone cry? I almost over the course of writing this. Completely winged their interaction! See you next time!

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