What happened?

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Nya body!

Nya was getting suspicion during dinner. Kai and Lloyd kept glancing when the thought no one was watching, tho Nya was always watching. One because she shipped them and Two looked for signs from her brother that he liked Lloyd. But she was good, Wait that's an understatement, she was great at keeping secrets, reading even the hardest of  people, could intimidate those. When she was only 4 she could could tell if her parents were having an argument at the time. But She could only read people She the closet to like a memorized children's book.
So it was no problem reading her older brother, like seriously he should make a better shield, the secret Samurai thought to herself. Nobody noticed when she looked at them. Not even Zane and he was a Nindroid!

But for once Kai notice.

"Hey sis so thin' wrong?" The fire boy asked with concern in his voice. Nya felt like her heart skip a beat. "Yeah just spacing out. Nothing wrong." So after they all went to bed, Kai and Lloyd didn't do there walk around the bounty and then headed to there room. Both of them had been jumpy during dinner, when Cole asked what they did when they made dinner.
Lloyd squealed and sank in her chair. Kai laughed and said as he brushed it off, nothing just the normal, as if where nothing at. Nor important.

Okay time to get real answers! Nya was sitting on her bed waiting for the Great Green Ninja to come out of the bathroom. Nya got lost in her thoughts and didn't hear Lloyd come out. "Hey Nya?" Lloyd asked as she got in to bed, Nya actually jumped out of her bed.
"Y-yeah?" Nya stuttered. Lloyd didn't notice, "You know your brother better than anyone, right?" Now Nya new she'd get answers without trying. "Yes. Why?" Nya said now turned to her roommate with mischief look in her eye. "Well...um. Does he play with girls feelings? Just wondering."

No one knows him better than I do. Nya thought.
"Well he flirts with them if he likes them a little like if it's just a crush. But he never kissed one of his crushes, and the reason that is. And I quote 'I will never kiss a girl unless I know I love them!' And it's true." And Nya wasn't lieing she had even wrote it down and burned it into her mind.
Then she looked into Lloyd's emerald eyes she see the hope in them. But Lloyd knew Nya hadn't answered exact question but Nya answered the question that had been in her eyes though.

"Champ, Why? I know you looove him but, um.... Why?"
Lloyd answered with a glare, an with that fired glare Nya knew what had happened.


Kai was at window that was between his relative and the Green Ninja. And he heard everything. Now he new.
She loves me......

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