Alone And Moving

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Kai's POV

We where eating dinner, I was in deep thought and I was taking bites every few minutes. Lloyd's a girl. Why of all things would Gramadon turn his only son into a girl? Maybe he wanted a daughter instead of a son! Hope Lloyd doesn't think that.

Then I was snapped back into reality, "KAI BURN SMITH!" Nya screamed at me, then I felt an impact on the back of my head, "Ow.. What is it Nya?" I said as I got up and picked up my chair from my fall.

"Well for starters you have barely touched your food and secondly I asked you ALL a questioned which no one answered." My little sister said as crossed her arms in irritation, "I'm sorry just thinking. So what was the question?"

She sighed, "Well sense Lloyd is a girl Wu and I think it's best we move hi-her to my room. Okay Kai?"

I wished she could still sleep in the same room, "That's okay." Lloyd and I beds had always been next to each other sense we got him from the Serpintine. Ew. Those snakes gave me the shivers...

"So it's settled, ok Lloyd I'm gonna have some girl talk with you once you're situated. Alright?" Nya said while looking at Lloyd, she was blushing. Oooh so cute. Wait, what?!

"Okay, Nya" looked down at her food which was almost gone, then I looked down at mine, Wow I think I've been thinking to much.

"Kai are okay, you've only ate some of the mashed potatoes. And it was Zane's night to cook." Wu said and scared me, I squealed.

Then everyone started laughing as well as Wu. Then I heard something new a cute little giggle I looked up to see it come from Lloyd and her cheeks where a slight pink. I smiled and laughed myself.

~Time skip to Bed time 😝~

I hear Jay clear his throat he was at the door, I sit and looked at him.

"What you want?" I asked, he laughed, "Well it's way quieter than usually." I rise my eyebrows," What do you mean?"

That just made him laugh harder and then managed to get out, "You.. guys.... are so... Loud before... you ... go to... bed," between laughs. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right." I said. We weren't that loud! Were we?

-That's all beyez hoped you liked, plz give me your thoughts-
-Moon Stone

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