2.7_pt 3-Escape

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Kai P.O.V.

I'm normally not an ewwy gooie feely person. Let alone one to jump into emotions. But here I am crying, watching one of the people I love the most finally be with their mom. Not to mention an explanation. Nya and I deserved just as much.

But right now was not the time to brood about my mommy and daddy issues. I needed to be happy for my friend, and I was.

I was about to go and not separate them but help them up and go somewhere better for this, like maybe the Bounty. But by the First Spinjitsu Master how is the timing of Fate so horrible!

The ground started to shake.

"What the-" Jay started.

I ran to Misako and Lloyd pulling them, "How about we continue this heartfelt reunion later. These earthquakes aren't safe."

We ran out of the museum having to jump over cracks and the ground shifting. Misako didn't need any help whatsoever, she may have looked old but how she moved and reacted said otherwise. We finally got out of the museum it see that it wasn't just the museum. The whole area was shaking, shifting, disarraying itself. it was horrible. Vehicles falling, people getting out of them just in time, people getting separated, buildings becoming more and more unstable.

A chunk of the road just went straight down, a woman and her dog falling down with it. Lloyd ran and jumped headfirst. She's an idiot, a selfless idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. But so am I, and so is our team. I ran right after her, with Zane and Jay following, leaving Cole to grab Zane or Jay, whichever had jumped I wasn't paying them attention.

I grabbed Lloyd's forearm, Zane grabbed my ankles, after a few milliseconds we were hanging.

"Ma'am please remain calm, we're here to help. Grab your dog and let me get you by your waist." Lloyd instructed her. She just stared in awe at Lloyd for a moment before doing as she had said.

Lloyd grabbed her and I shook my leg, I think Zane did the same cause then I just heard Jay-"Pull us up!"

Jay grabbed onto Zane's abdomen, with Cole grabbing my leg so in case Zane lost his grip we wouldn't fall. I was pulled up onto my stomach I got up from kneeling to standing keeping my grip on Lloyd. I pulled her up with Coles' help Jay and Zane grabbed the dog from the young woman so it would be lighter for us.

"Thank you so much. Thank you a thousand times over!" she reached over for her dog. "Come on boy we need to find Racheal."

That's when I noticed a group of guys in armor yelling and swinging bats around. Are you shitting me?

They got closer and then there were more, their eyes were...lime green...like the mini warriors. Oh. They had swords, not bats.

"No ma'am you need to get out of the city, now. I'm sure you'll find her after but leave the city right now." I stated looking between her and the warriors then looked around at everyone else. "Tell everyone that," I turned back at her, "no matter what you and anyone you come across need to leave. Go."
She nodded after seeing the stone warriors and ran with her dog.

"I don't think it's just an earthquake," Jay stated nervously.

Misako rummaged through her bag and brought out one of her many scrolls.
"Yeah it's no earthquake it's the return of the dark lord's soldiers. They'll stop at nothing to serve him, whatever it may be. Not to mention they're indestructible."

"Then we should get a move on then, if they're indestructible then we might as well be ground beef," stated Cole.

"But where do we go? The Bounty nor the apartment are safe, and I doubt we could hold up in the dojo." cried Jay following behind Cole and Wu. This led to Lloyd sighing, "Jay the Bounty is safe. Just depends on what we're doing. We can take the Bounty into the air, these warriors are old so they probably won't know how to handle modern firearms or anything that flys. We'll be fine but everyone down here won't."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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