You'll Know Soon...

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Nya ~Oh Yeah Let's Go!~

"It's Zane's night to cook!" Jay screamed at Lloyd and I. He'd just came and almost broke our door, I noted. "Aaaaarrggggggg!" Groaned Lloyd, and I followed up with, "We know Jay Now shut up!"

I heard him grunt at our irritation. I would have rolled my eyes at him but my eyes weren't anything but heavy, making them still closed.

"So Lloyd you have training or what?" I questioned. She replied with a grunt cross between an irritated moan, "I take that as a no?" I said unsure.

"Yeah I don't have any training today or tomorrow, 'cause uncle Wu said I can't train every single day! But thing is I want to! Like I'm a girl now and girls aren't known for strength! No offense Nya."

I just smiled I was up and my eyes were cooperating with me, "None taken and your right Lloyd. Guys are looked at as the powerful and strong ones, while girls are thought of as weak and useless! And also some men think of use as property or an object to play with! And I Hate it!"

We got ready for the day, and Lloyd I was sure was taking what I had put out in deep thought. We all went through out our days normally, then I went to my room to grab something and heard my door open then close quicker than it opened! I turned around ready to attack but to see Lloyd bright red.

Ha ha! She was probably hang out with Kai again. Figures!

"What's wrong L?" I asked, although already knowing several different ways she'd put it. "I don't want to talk about it." Was she said or could say, I depended on the situation. "Alright if you say so..." I knew this would get her talking, I knew about her crush though I still think she doesn't.

Man, When will she realize! If she knew she would have told me by now!

She just flopped on her bed. "I-I was so close to Kai..." she started without realizing it.

"You sure you don't know why your like this Lloyd? 'Cause I think I do." I said every simply, and while trying not to look at Lloyd.
But I heard her sit up," Tell me! Why am I acting like this, I literally desperate!" She pleaded. I laughed, "I don't think your ready." And that's what I really thought, Lloyd was already stressed out as it was.

"B-b-but Ny-" I cut her off, "No, but I guess I could. But in a riddle!"
(I'm sorry this will be a horrible riddle and Lloyd isn't that bright as it is in this Yeah, please bear with me!)

Lloyd groaned and sighed in relief about the same time, "Fiiiiiiine! Just say it."
I cleared my throat, "I start with 'L' I am complex and hard to understand, now tell me what I am. But I won't tell how long I am but what I end in is 'E'." It had been the same riddle my Mom gave to me. "What the heck! Nya I'm not a genius and the riddle isn't clear! And it doesn't sound easy either!"

I sighed and all I could say to that was, "You'll understand Sooner or Later...."

Yes I made the riddle and yes I know it was horrible! Now tell me your thoughts I don't care! And I'm tired so please don't criticize me! I love you all beyez!

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