2.7_pt 1-Sun Rise Exercise

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I'm going to just do episode rewrites at this point I think 😅 which I don't like, but I'm out of ideas sorta, idk when I'll end this, probably sometime after I actually get them TOGETHER! So enjoy episode rewrites!


I could hear it all the way from their fucking room. The alarm that goes off every Wednesday at 5 in the MORNING! I waited a minute, then another. And then by the next, I was wide awake and pissed, and stalking toward their room.

How are they so lazy they won't turn off the goddamn alarm!

I kicked the door open and shot a green laser-like beam at the alarm. We were gonna need a new one. Jay was right next to it, his eyes wide staring at me, he was holding his left hand close to his chest.
"Get the fuck up quicker next time," I growled at him.

He nodded his head rapidly still clutching the hand that almost got blown up. I then glared at the rest of them. Zane wasn't among them he came out of their bathroom, brushing his teeth. His eyes reflecting his irritation.

"Could you guys be any slower!" I spat out. I walked back to room after my rhetorical question had been said. And got ready for the day. The start being sunrise exercise. I passed Wu, I turned the corner but not before I heard him.

"Morning! Morning, morning! Hello my Students, and before we do our Morning exercises I noticed on my way that the dragon made a bit of a mess, it's a two-person job it looks to be." I heard my uncle say before shutting the door.

I knew to get to my room soon because I did shift #2 twice last week. I wasn't letting them drop it on me again. And Kai and Nya liked to use it as a time to get me to open up about my mom and dad. My emotions! And shit.

I don't have a problem and I'm fine! Just them trying to pry is getting on my nerves. Guess they really are related!

"Mornin' Lloyd," Nya said as I reentered our shared room.
"Mornin'" I yawned out. Grabbing my snug and flowy pants, they looked like sweatpants minus being thick to keep warm, and a tank top.

Nya laughed and I turned and raised an eyebrow at her in question. She raised her chin at me. "You really need to rethink what you wear to bed before Sun Rise Exercise days, especially if you're going to be busting down their door at 5 in the morning."

I was currently in a bra and shorts, in my defense it's the dry season and it's summer! Hot even at night especially around Ninjago City! I don't even bother to put my blanket on now.

"Nya, it's getting hotter every day we get more into the dry season. How do you not expect me to not dress to be cool? Also not to mention that the boys are respectful and I'm comfortable in my body, so it's my decision. And it's not like I'm walking down the streets of Ninjago City in just this! I appreciate your input but please leave me to do as I feel comfortable." I asked her looking directly at her as I got ready, so that she knew I wasn't just trying to get her off my back. I mean it wasn't even about getting her off my back it was about her understanding me.

She nodded, "I understand it's just I'm trying to watch out for you, and don't want you to embarrass yourself. Also, you never know when you're going to be suddenly going to be self-conscious."

I gave her a strained smile, "I get that you're looking out for me but please, understand I'm telling the truth. I appreciate you very much and for everything you've been doing for me. But who is going to understand someone better than yourself."

I then left the room not wanting to continue this conversation. We would end up in a fight, just a gut feeling, and I love Nya and don't wanna ruin our trust and friendship.

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