Jacob to the rescue

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Trigger Warning: PTSD flashbacks

Radio Talk - Italics

Regular talking - Normal font

Jacob's P.O.V

As I was sitting in my office in the Francis Veterans Center, while I was going through so paperwork of people who needed culling. I heard my radio crackle to life and Faith's scared tone hit my ears, I dropped everything I was doing and listened to the transmission.

"Jacob...John...Joseph... we need you, (Y/N) and I are being chased by sinners...Please send help.....someone please."

I wave a fear hit me, as I listened to the transmission from Faith. My sister's were in danger and here I was sitting here stunned slightly with fear, at the though of losing my sister's.

 I would then grab my radio, to call one of my many right hand men. To tell them to put a team together, they confirm it would be done, I couldn't help but feel scared for my sisters. I just got Y/N and Faith back in my life...I won't let my family suffer because of some piss ant resistant members, who have a hard on for destroying what Joseph has built. I stand up from my desk and grab my sniper, pistol, and knife. As I walk down the hall and through the center, I holler out to any of my chosen men to hear.

"I need every able bodied man to follow me, and fight for your family. Our sister Faith and (Y/N) are at the mercy of the Resistance. Now who wants to come with me and cull those weak people, who they call soilders?"

I hear a few men cheer while others, grab their guns and gear. One by one each group of 6 head towards their armored trucks from John, and follow my truck as I lead about 8 groups of trucks towards the location of my sisters. In my mind I was telling them to hold on, and that their big brother is coming to save them...While also trying to keep my PTSD in check, because while worrying about my family members. Old feelings began to creep up from The Gulf War, the fear that I may not get to them in time, or get there and they would be dead.

I try to push those thoughts away by, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of my glove box and light one. My chosen right hand man Kevin would ask if I was ok, and I would put on my tough mask and tell him that I was fine. He would nod, but I could tell he could see his boss wasn't alright. But just wouldn't say anything, because of fear of punishment for insubordination. But as we drew near towards the last location of their transmission, I would just hope that my sisters were unharmed.

30 minuets passed and we make it to where Faith had called me, and as I watched as two armored truck were blocking Faith's escort vehicle. Something tells me John sent them, cause I'm pretty sure he got her distress call as well. I would radio to 7 other groups of men to spread out so they wouldn't be seen and then wait for my signal to move in. I got a few rogers, and yes sir's, from the other radio's. I would then stop my truck and park it a little ways from Faith's car, I would instruct Kevin, to tell the men to get in a circle formation and close in slowly while myself and him would get closer to the car and extract our sister's.

Nodding he would delegate my message over the radio's, while Kevin and I slowly made our way towards Faith's SUV. When we made it to the back passenger door where I figured where the girls would be, I told Kevin to cover me. He would nod and make his way toward the front of the SUV, and aid the other 4 members shooting at a mixture of Whitetail and other resistance members. I would then slowly open the door and see Faith, (Y/N), and Kyle in the backseat, the girls were ducked down on the floor and Kyle was shooting with his LMG.

I would softly whisper to Faith, knowing she could hear me. She'd look over at me and smile, (Y/N) would slide over towards my voice not looking up. I guess in case there was more shooting going on, I would see Kyle hit in both the left shoulder and side. But was still doing all he could to protect the girls, I would pat him softly on the shoulder and would get met with his gun to the face. But once he noticed it was me, he nodded at me and make way for the door I came in. 

I would tell them to make way towards my truck, while I covered them. I then radioed Kevin and told him to have the men move in and take down the sinners. Once I got back to my truck, I helped Kyle into the truck bed, while I told the girls to hop in the front and stay low. Faith would nod and help (Y/N) into the truck, with them in the truck. I would hear Kevin radio back that, the restiance members were on the run, and if I was looking for a window to get out of here and head back to The Veterans Center. I told him roger, and reversed far enough away to make clean get away back to the mountians. As I was driving I asked the girl if they were ok, they both nodded but I could see Faith looking back in the truck bed at Kyle.

Once we got back to the center, I would hop out of the truck and instruct my men to take Kyle towards the clinc, and let him see our doctors. Faith would go with him and my men, I'm guessing to make sure he was ok. To which I didn't mind I knew that, Kyle and her had become very close over the few months that he was appointed as her bodyguard. I'd take (Y/N) to my office to keep her safe til John came, once we were in the privacy of my office. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a bear hug, to which she hugged me back a softly whisper that I was squeezing her a bit too tight.

I would pull back and ask her if she was ok, to which she would only shake her head. But I knew something must have been bothering her, but I wouldn't pry unless she was saving it for when John got there. I would let her have a seat in a chair near my deak, while picking up my private radio and radioing my brother.

"John Seed, do you copy? Over."

I would hear and instant response, by John in a worrysome tone, "John Seed here, what news Jacob? Is (Y/N) safe? Over."

I'd chuckle at his worrysome tone, but understood it all to well before clearing my throat and saying in to the radio. " Faith and her are safe brother, if you want to come and get her your more then welcome to. She is in my office for safe keeping, but you and her might wanna have to talk....I think something is bugging her, Over."

I'd say the last bit of my transmission to him a bit softly so, (Y/N) didn't hear me. But I knew John would understand, he radioed back that he would be up in The Whitetails A.S.A.P. I would sit the radio back on my desk, and tell (Y/N) that John was his way. She would give me a thousand watt smile, as I knew that would at least cheer her up to see him. I'd then ask her if she wanted something to eat or drink, while she waited for John. She only requested a water and some bread, I made a call to the kitchen staff on my phone in my office to have someone bring her something. We'd make idle chitchat, while waiting for John to show himself and while she ate.

I would breath a sigh of relife interally, about how happy I came to the rescue of my sisters. But the dark thoughts did try to creep into my mind, while I chatted with her. Things like what if I failed my brother and got (Y/N) killed or hurt, or Faith had been hurt. But once again I pushed those thoughts from my mind, as I kept telling myself that everything was fine. 

(A/N): Alright so...I'm sorry this chapter along with my other books, took so long to update....I've had a lot happen to me in the past 2 yrs and some good and bad...But I swear I will try to keep all my books as updated as I can. Thank you for all the support, and happy reading sinners.

WC: 1478

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