Before You Go

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John's P.O.V

As I woke up on my office couch, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at my watch on my wrist; it read 10:10 a.m. I get up off the couch and stretch. I make my way over to one of the dresser's in my office to pick out a casual outfit for today since is my free day. Thank God I have a bathroom in my office so I could shower, since I'm in here more than my own bedroom. Also, I didn't want to wake (Y/N) after what happened last night.

I picked out a deep blue t-shirt with black jeans and go into my office bathroom and take a quick shower, as I let the hot water wash away the dirt and grime of yesterday's events. My mind wanders back to seeing (Y/N) again, never in a million years did I think I would see her again. After everything that happen between us.

I thought for sure that she would be long gone somewhere else living her life and maybe having a family of her own, but here she is at my ranch sleeping in my bed. I mean last night it took me so long to fall asleep cause every time I closed my eyes I was brought back to that night where she kissed me during one of our famous movie nights and the hurt and sadness in her eyes when I didn't reciprocate her feelings towards me, hell even when she looked at me, at last night in the church.

I felt transported back to that night and all I wanted to do was walk over to her and, comfort her and tell her that I was sorry for being such an ass that night. I wanted to bare my soul to her and beg for her forgiveness, but I knew that would long journey because 10 years of heart break doesn't go away that easy. Even if you've moved on with your life.

Once I was showered and dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen to fix my friend breakfast in bed as I used to in the past on the weekends. Once I was in the kitchen I took out the ingredients for French toast ( if it ain't your favorite breakfast food then, choose what you want.) with bacon and eggs, I fry the bacon and whisk the eggs.

Once the bacon and eggs are cooked I put them on a plate and in the oven to keep warm, while I prepare the French toast with powered sugar. I make sure to make the toast to perfection and put the maple syrup in a small cup that I grabbed from the top cabinets, I grab a tray and place the plate with the food on it and grab a bottle of water from the fridge and place it on the tray.

I make my way up the stairs carefully so I don't drop anything, once I at my bedroom door I make sure to knock in case she was changing or anything. I hear her soft voice tell me to come in, I open the door and there she is sitting up in my bed, leaning against the headboard. I tell her I made breakfast for her gesturing to the tray I'm carrying. She smiles my favorite smile that I haven't seen in years and pats the empty spot on the bed, I walk over to her and take the seat next to her on the bed and hand her the tray of food.

She takes the fork beside the plate and digs into the food, (Y/N) thanks me again and tells me it's delicious and I tell her I'm glad she likes it as I steal a piece of bacon off her plate. She playfully smacks my arm and we laugh, once she was done eating she asked me,

"John I have to know something, why all those years ago did you reject me? I mean couldn't you see I loved you or at least liked you? Why did you play with my heart? I have to know and maybe I will finally be able to let it go or maybe at least forgive you."

I knew she would eventually ask this question, and as much as I wanted to avoid it because I knew it would bring both us pain, but I knew I had to be a man and do what is right to fix the heartache I had caused. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms and held her like I used to do when she was having a bad day at school and told her,

" Well, (N/N) you remember how my home life was right?" I see her nod because who would ever forget how cruel and controlling my parents were, since they were both extremely controlling and religious.

"Well I was scared that my father, would try to hurt you like he hurt me. I also was scared that you didn't feel the same way I did, yes stupid I know you kissed me and there I sat thinking you didn't. But I know I screwed up by keeping my feelings for you distant, I knew it wasn't fair to you. Because It took me almost 10 years later to realize that you did love me the way I loved you, and not as some joke or for pity.

So I told myself if I were to ever see you again, that I wanted to say I'm sorry for causing you heart break and pain that could have all been avoided if I wasn't scared of crashing and burning. So can you forgive me, (N/N)?"

I knew she wouldn't forgive me right away, but if I could at least get her to trust me again I would be happy. I feel her right hand grab a hold of my left one gently and rub her thumb ran across my knuckles, I see her take a deep breath and look in eyes and say,

"John, I can't say I'll forgive you right away but if you're willing to give me time to get to know my friend again. Then maybe we could make this work, I mean that is if you aren't with anyone. Cause if I must be honest I know ten years is a long time to hold on to something, but you know how it is after high or college where you meet special who helps you see the light in you dark and gloomy life.

And either you never act upon those feelings or drift apart, there always that nagging 'What if?' questions. Well I can truly say I'm apart of the what if club, because there were times I would lie awake at night wondering if that night went different then how it did. So though I may not forgive you now, just be patient me and I will, I just don't want our hearts separated any more and I need a reminder of what it was like to love you, John."

I smiles cause I got the response I was looking for, she trusted me again and I would wait how ever long for her forgiveness. To show her the love I could have given her had I not been for me being a complete fool by letting her go.

After she was done with her food we caught up on what had been happening in the last ten years, she told me about her father passing away and her mother lives in Florida with her older sister. I told her about my father's death after graduation, my mother following in his footsteps when she got cancer when I was 30. Joining my brother's religion and how we run things in Hope County, after I told her about the collapse and Eden's Gate I could feel her uneasiness but I assured her that as long as she was with me no harm come to her and I would be by her side no matter what. Which caused her to calm down, we laid on my bed for hours just talking and enjoying each other company.

Around noon she wanted to take a shower, so I told her that I would find her something to wear while she was in the shower. She thanked me and kissed me on the cheek and headed towards my bathroom, I search my wardrobe for more casual clothing that she could wear. I found (F/C) T-shirt and some black jeans that would fit her, I left them on the bed and yelled to her that I was going to my plane garage for a short bit and that I would be back around 3 so we could have a late lunch. She yell back to me that it would be fine and she would see me then, and with that I set out for my garage to work on my planes and I thank the Lord above that he has bought my friend back to me. I pray that he wouldn't tear her away from me again, cause it took so long for me to find her and I don't think I could have my heart separated from her again.

(A/N): Yes this is a short chapter, and yes there will be more parts of this thrilling story. So please tell me what you think about this chapter and the book in general. But thanks you all for all the view and votes, I'm extremely grateful for you all. And I would love to thank Dazmymoo for opinion and guidance for this chapter and prompt so check out this wonderful author. And as always Happy reading and enjoy everyone.

Word Count 1636

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