Campfire Drinks

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Warning: Drinking, drunken activities, and some fluff

Female Deputy P.O.V.

It was a quiet afternoon in Hope County, with no cult or resistance members in the streets fighting over land in Holland Valley. I was sitting in The Spread Eagle with Sharky and Nick, having a beer. When Sharky says to me in his drunken stooper that we should have campfire drinks with the Seeds,

Nick and I look at him with confusion, and Nick tells him," Sharky, I think you had just about enough of this." He grabs what's left of Sharky's beer and pulls it toward him and goes to pour it out, but Sharky tells us to hear him out and says," Look guys, I'm serious. I mean, wouldn't you want to get to know them better?" You know, we can see inside their heads, and besides, if they pull any funny business, we can just kill them. It's a win-win."

I thought about his crazy idea, thinking Sharky was joking with us, and I couldn't find anything to justify this crazy idea. I mean, since I came to Hope County, I could never figure out a legit reason for The Seed's beliefs. I just chalked it up, like everyone else's rumors and first accounts, to the fact that they were crazy or just trying to let their pain out on everyone else. And Sharky was right—if they tried anything that could get us hurt or kidnapped, we could just kill them. So, why not?

I say to Sharky," Well, you do have a point there. And who would accept a sign of peace even if it wasn't something they partake in, so to speak? So sure, why not?" Nick agreed but still had his complaints about it, but he lightened up after the three of us talked about escape plans and a location where this would take place, so we knew the area.

We decided to have this get-together at The Seed's Ranch since it was under resistance control and we could just tell the guards and people to go to another outpost. So The Seeds could come up to the location without fear of being shot. But now on to the hard part: getting The Seed siblings to the ranch. I knew the only one who would talk to me was John, since he likes to play with my radio frequency.

I push the talk button on the side of my radio and say into the mouthpiece, "Calling John Seed, pick up, please. Come on, Johnny Boy, I know you're listening."

As I wait for a response, I start to have a small panic attack. What if this is a mistake? And I get people killed? Again? What if Sharky's idea gets us killed? I just had a sort of bad feeling about the idea.

As I was calming myself down, I heard my radio crackle to life and heard John's voice come out of the receiver: "What do you want, deputy? I'm a very busy man. I have little time to talk, so if you're calling to gloat about liberating another part of my valley, then kindly fuck off."

I giggled at his response. Someone is pissed off. I click the button and say to him, "My, my John, who is pissed in your Cheerios, I just called to see if your family was interested in a peace treaty for one night. No cult members unless they are escorts, and no guns, as we'll have no guns either. So you guys in or out?"

I swear I could hear people talking in the background; I'm guessing it was his siblings. Could he have been at a family dinner? I then hear his voice come through the static: "How do we know this isn't a trap or plot by the resistance, just to get us out into the open and kill my family?"

I push the button and say to him, "Look, if it makes you feel any better, it will only be Sharky, Nick, Adelaide,and myself. It will only be us—no resistance members, just the four of us and your family members. No funny business, just to talk. Now, what say you guys? Also, if you agree, meet us at The Seed's Ranch at twilight."

I clipped the radio back on my hip, and just as I was about to tell Nick and Sharky that it probably would be a no, I heard John say from my radio," We'll be there. But know this: should this be a trap, you all will sorely regret it."

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