Things To Say Yes To: CFD part 3

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John's P.O.V

Warning: smut, car sex, dirty talk, and fluff ( I know fluff isn't a warning but meh.)

Everyday since our first date at Orville Creek, I've been falling for Deputy (Y/N). We have been meeting in secret around Holland Valley from Ray Ray's pumpkin farm at night, to the lake near the Lamb Of God Church for a midnight swims and picnics.

Though hiding our love may seem cowardice to some people, but if we can protect each other from our groups for not understanding our love then so be it. So after working on confessions and getting more land for the cult, and I had nothing else to do til Monday, I decided to radio the Deputy to see if she wanted to get together.

I cleared my desk and picked up my radio that sat in front of me, I tuned it to the frequency only she and I use to talk to one another without being caught by our groups (or my family).

I push the talk button and say to her hoping she was listening, "Hey darling are you there? I was wondering if you were free to get together and maybe go for a drive or something."

I sat and waited for a response as I knew she could be busy or hanging with one of her friends, about five minutes later I hear her beautiful voice answer my question.

"Hey John, I might be able to get away tonight. I'm at Nick and Kim's place tonight visiting my goddaughter, so give me some time to change and I'll meet you at the ranch in about 30 minutes. Sound good?"

I chuckle and tell her that was fine, I put the radio down and start to get ready for her arrival, after a shower and I change into some casual clothing so I could blend in with the resistance should we be seen or caught on our outing, I had on a black t-shirt with black jeans and boots.

Once I was dressed, I decided to grab a snack from the kitchen and wait for (Y/N) to show up. About 10 minutes later I hear a car pull up in front of my home, I smiled as I get up from the table and head towards the door, as I knew it could be no one but my Deputy.

I head out the door to meet her on the front porch of my home, I see (Y/N) getting out of a red pickup truck. She had on (F/C) tank top with a black shirt over it, tight blue jeans with (Y/F/C) boots. Her hair looked beautiful it was in a ponytail, she also had on just a little bit of makeup I'm guessing was Kim's idea but she still looked like the most beautiful angel to me, without it.

When she sees me she smiled sweetly and makes her way over to me, when she is in front of me she greets me with a kiss and asks me how my day was.

I tell her about the confessions I had to do and about the land around Faith's region I had to collect, while she tells me about the outposts in Jacob's region she had to take back. I ask her if she got hurt but she tells me that she was safe.

She knows I worry about her, and I know she worries about me but we both know what risks our jobs bring to us, so we both know to take it easy to ease both of our minds.

I ask her if she has eaten yet and she tells me that she had a quick snack at Nick and Kim's, I offer to cook her a light dinner before we head out and she tells me that would be great.

We make our way towards the kitchen and I make grilled chicken with asparagus, after our light dinner we hopped in my SUV and headed out for a drive around the Valley.

I find us a meadow near the old haunted house, where I could park in and just sit and enjoy the night. We moved to the backseat so we could cuddle up, and not be confined to the front seat separating us.

As we cuddle with her straddling my lap and us making out a little, I could tell she wanted to go farther than just making out as we have previously done before as the way she was grinding her hips into mine.

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