The Death of my John Seed

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*Warning: Character Death and Depression.*

A/N: In this chapter The Female Deputy and John Seed, were dating for months and she is reminiscing about the day she had to kill him. So sorry for the sad chapter.

For the song choice I recommend Fiction By Avenge Sevenfold for this chapter.

Female Deputy P.O.V

In the time that I knew John Seed, he was sweet,caring,and charming toward me. But it was the fighting between our groups, that he hates most of all not me. You see him and I fell in love with each other, and I fell for the man he was to me, and hated the monster the cult made him be. But when I first came to his region, I was blinded by the stories the resistance and my friends told about him and his family.

When he caught me the first time his men brought me to his bunker, and as I sat tied to chair in his confession room.

But when I finally met the man of the hour, I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to hurt me. But he did hurt me Because, he wanted to make his family and his cult to be proud of him.

But after he "made" me confess my sins his goons brought me to a room in his ranch, to let me wounds heal. John looked after me, apologized ,and took care of me. He wanted to make sure I was healthy, before dropping me off a mile outside of Fall's End.

I thanked him for his kindness and walked to the Spread Eagle, and I thought that would be the end of me seeing him.

But boy was I wrong, every cult outpost liberated and cult mission mission,that I did for the resistance. There he was on my radio asking me about my day and things about me and flirting, he also told me about himself, his upbringing, and his family.

I felt sorry for all the pain and burden he had to carry upon his shoulders, but there was always this little voice in the back of my head.

That had to remind me that I was on the other side and couldn't feel any pity for him, because I would be seen as a traitor or a cult sympathizer. So I always kept him at a distance, so it would not tamper with my job.

But it started to become harder, when we started spending time together at his ranch or peaceful places around Holland Valley. At first I thought it was us just looking for someone to call friend and be peaceful with one another, but after a couple months of time we found out that we liked each other, and tried dating in secret.

We would get together once a week to just be ourselves and not enemies, we laughed, fucked, and enjoyed each others company. For the short amount of time that we were allowed, but some of the resistance started planning the day we would kill John and liberate the valley.

It weighed on my heart to kill the man I loved, I felt like they didn't see the vulnerable John I knew, nor did they see the sweet man that I got to see every week for months. They only saw a monster, and it hurt my heart.

But I knew if I opposed of this plan, it would raise you many questions that I didn't want to answer right now, but I know I hear you ask. How could I love a man who has tourched my friend Deputy Hudson, well here is the thing... He never did.

He had to make appearances among his cult, he actually kept her in good health and she also stayed at the ranch before he let her go.

He let her leave Hope County and, paid for her to have new identity as she didn't want to be a deputy anymore.

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