Coming Home

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John's POV

Today (Y/N) was coming home later on in the evening after spending a week over in Henbane River. Faith's convoy would be heading back to my ranch in a few hours. I had just gotten off the phone with Faith, and she told me they would go on a nature hike before heading home, which I thought sounded like a nice ending to her trip. I would then tell Faith all about my welcome home present for (Y/N), which was a dog named Boomer.

I found him when my cult members took over Ray's Ray's Pumpkin Farm. I took the dog in and took care of him. I didn't want to leave him in the hands of the other guards at the farm because I knew they would be cruel to the poor animal. Never in all my years would I ever see myself caring for an Australian Cattle Dog, which I still found weird that a farm had that type of dog. But who am I to judge?

Also, I didn't really want to have an animal in my home, but I had a thought that maybe an animal companion would keep her panic at bay, and she would have someone to protect her when I'm not here or at events. I haven't trusted some of my men since the events of her attempted rape. So this was the best option, at least in my opinion. So there Boomer would sit at my feet, sleeping with his outdoor food and water bowl at his right side.

I sat on the porch in one of the oak rocking deck chairs with Boomer laying by my side, the afternoon sun warming his blue, black, speckled fur. I was lost in thought about how my life has changed since Y/N came back into my life. I mean, I still do my job as the Baptist of Holland Valley. But you'll rarely see me hurt anyone like I used to. I mean, from time to time, I will torture people until all they know is the word yes. But there are times where I just have a calm confession session with them and come ever so close to walking through Eden's Gate.

which, in all honesty, scares me after so long of being a cruel sadistic bastard for the past 22 years of my life, after I got out of law school. Through all the abuse and torment that my parents put my siblings and me through, I always thought I would never find someone who would love me for who I am.

But as fate would have it, it brought back the one person who loved and cared for me. I thank God above for bringing her back into my life, because I have been scared of running her off somehow with all I do for the cult. But she has changed me for the better, at least I think so. I mean, I am becoming slightly less sadistic when I do my confessions and handle my members. I mean, I'm still the same me, but with a compassionate side that I never knew I could have. So I may lead my cult members with an Iron fist, but I can also be slightly caring to the ones I know who were the most loyal to us.


After waking up around noon and spending the majority of that time in bed, I thought about all that Faith had said to me last night. I knew she was right. I can't keep throwing myself a pity party and shutting John out. I have to at least let him help where he could, and when he couldn't, I would have to try and figure it out on my own, and if I couldn't, I would have to ask for help in some way, whether it be him taking my mind off it or just going and visiting a family member. I get out of bed after being lost in thought for a good couple hours and go take a shower. Once I had gotten out, I got dressed in my F/C tank top, some bootcut blue jeans, and my combat boots.

After getting dressed, I headed down the stairs to go see Faith and also to see if I hadn't missed the hike. I hear Faith and Kyle in the kitchen, so I make my way there to grab a drink and see what they are up to. As I walked through the door, I would see Faith and Kyle sitting at the table together, having a cup of coffee. Faith would see me, smile brightly, and say to me:

"Hey there, sis, there is still coffee in the pot if you want some, and since you weren't up when we were, We decided to wait for you before cooking. So how does a late breakfast sound to you?"

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