Faith's help

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John's P.O.V

*Content Warning* mentions of Rape and incest.

After yesterday's attempted rape on (Y/N), for the next two weeks after the incident, she mostly sat around the house depressed and would barely let me touch her. I was beginning to worry about her. I mean, sure, we had moments where she would let me kiss and hug, but anything further than that, and she would freak out on me and have a panic attack.

Which I completely understood because most people aren't too keen on being touched after what happened to her. I mean, I wasn't trying to force her to do more than she was capable of, but when it came to things like making out or even trying sexual things with her, that's where her attacks would flare up, and with the constant nightmares every night since then, I was worried as well.

I was also disappointed with myself that I wasn't there to protect her that day. I felt like I let her down and that I couldn't protect her no matter how hard I tried. But I thank God every day that Jacob was there to save her. Because the Lord only knows what would happen if Jake didn't get to her in time, it shook me to my very core that someone wanted to hurt the one I loved.

But I knew it was dangerous to have her there. I mean, she's The Deputy of Hope County, for crying out loud; she was technically supposed to be a resistance member, but she chose to be with us. But I still knew it wouldn't be easy to have our members just forgive and forget for trying to take Joseph from them.

I just wanted it to be a normal day, seeing Joseph and having fun with the family. While getting to know some of our flock, but we always can't get what we wish for, right?

So, while she was having a nap on the couch in the living room, I was in my office on conference call with my siblings. They were all wondering how she was holding up and how things were with her. I was telling them about the nightmares and constant panic attacks she had been having as of late.

Which Jacob was familiar with, and I was trying to ask him advice on what would help with that. But all he would tell me was that I would have to work with her until they subsided or calmed down enough for her to be comfortable with herself and me. Because right now she is very vulnerable and scared, all I need to do is talk with her and tell her everything is okay. I thanked him for his advice, but then Faith asked if (Y/N) was up for it and if she wouldn't mind coming to stay in her region for a week.

But only if she was comfortable with it; it was Y/N's choice. I told her I would ask and call Faith back to let her know. After talking about more progress goals within our group, I told them I would call them back so I could go check on how Y/N was doing.

They told me to give their love to her and to let her know that they are here for her if she ever needs to talk. I thanked them for their kind words and hung up the phone. I got up from my office chair and headed to the living room to check on my love. When I got to the living room, I saw her still sleeping on the couch. She looked so peaceful. I walked over to where she was lying down to give her a kiss on her forehead, and I spotted a blanket on the back of the couch and covered her with it.

After making sure she was comfortable and making my way toward the kitchen, I decided to make lunch for the both of us. So, I got to work on a light pasta dish and a salad for us, and when I was done, I heard her walk into the kitchen. I gave her a kiss, fixed up our plates, and told her to go sit down while I brought out our lunch.

She kissed my cheek while getting out glasses for drinks, which were iced tea. Once everything was set up for us to eat, we started to eat in comfortable silence. I told her I talked to the family and that they sent their love and well wishes. She smiled and said that she would have to give them a call to thank them.

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