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John's P.O.V

I'd just finished doing maintenance on my plane to make sure it was in tip-top shape before the next time I would have to fly it. I was sitting on the couch in my garage, thinking and reminiscing about the times I'd spent with (Y/N) while I lived in Atlanta.

It was summer time, and I had just gotten a new issue of a military plane magazine that Jacob had sent home for me from overseas. I was 13 at the time, and Y/N was 10. She was coming over to hang out with me while my parents were out with Joseph and Faith.

When she came over, we talked and chatted about our days and how we were doing. She told me about how her grandmother's health was declining because of cancer, but her mother and she had been helping her grandmother out at the nursing home that her doctor had suggested since she had not many days left. I felt sad for her, as I knew it was going to be hard to lose her grandmother. After comforting her, I decided to tell her about what Jacob had sent me in the mail and show her the magazine. I thought maybe it would cheer her up.

We sat together as I explained everything about each plane and its functions. I knew it would bore her, but she always listened anyway, and I made a promise that day that if I ever got rich or famous, I would take her out on a plane, though I knew she was afraid of heights. She agreed that she would try it at least once. Because she was always a brave girl.
*End of flashback*

Now that I have planes, I just want to fulfill that promise I made to her, so I clean my hands and head toward the house.

Once inside, my nose is welcomed by the smell of biscuits and chicken coming from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see Y/N, with her back to me, cooking fried chicken, and I see the biscuit tray sitting on the counter with foil covering the food.

I wanted to sneak up on her, so I walked as quietly as I could. As I got closer to her, I knew I would scare her, but it was worth it just to hold her close to me since I hadn't seen her all day. I was an inch away from her when she turned around and caught me. Of course, she scolded me for trying to scare her and told me to go wait in the dining room because she was almost done with our lunch.

I take a seat at the table and pull the book of Joseph that was sitting in the middle of the table over to me to read while I wait for our food to be done. While I'm reading, I am trying to figure out how to get her to say yes to flying, because I knew she would, but after how she crashed landed in that chopper a few days ago, I just didn't know if she would say yes or not, or, hell, even remember the promise I made to her all those years ago.

(Y/N) came from the kitchen with the food on a sliver tray. I closed the book I was reading and went to grab plates and cutlery. Once the table was set, we both sat down and began to eat our lunch and chat about our day. God, the biscuits melted in your mouth, and the chicken was so juicy and full of flavor that I just couldn't stop eating it.

Once we were full from eating, I thought now would be the best time to ask her my question. I prayed that her answer would be yes. I help her clean the table off so we can relax in the living room and digest our lunch.

While we were sitting on the couch in the living room cuddling up, we were relaxing together, and I turned to face her and asked,

"Hey (Y/N), remember when we were kids and I made you a promise to take you flying? I was wondering if I could cash in on that promise."

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