Chasing John

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Female Deputy P.O.V

I just have to admit I've been in love with John Seed, or John Duncan, as I knew him back then, for a long time. At the time when he lived in Atlanta (I know he's from Rome, but just go along with me for this), we grew up together and did everything together. We watched movies, talked about our favorite bands, and spent the night at each other's houses as friends of course.

But I felt he didn't see me more than a close friend or a sister, which, back in high school, depressed me. Because here I was basically throwing myself at my best friend, trying to show him that I loved him. And I was tired of him playing games with my heart and sick of feeling numb, and I just wanted to show him that the love that he had been chasing was right before his eyes.

So one night I was tired of feeling empty and scared of those feelings, and I got sick of waiting on him. I took a risk, and while we were watching a movie at his place, I kissed him. His lips said he was enjoying what I was doing, but when I pulled away, his face was a different story. It was like he didn't care that I just poured my heart into that kiss.

Not wanting to feel rejected, I grabbed my stuff, made something up about needing to be home early, and left his house while trying to hold back tears in my eyes.

But years passed and I moved on with my life, and from John, I moved away from Georgia after graduation. I started a new life in Montana as a police deputy for Hope County. But as fate would have it, I just couldn't escape John Duncan or John Seed, as he was going by now a days.

I had to arrest his family under charges of kidnapping with intent to harm, and I was scared that the past wounds and feelings would open up from being sealed after so long of not seeing him. I almost told Sheriff Whitehorse that I couldn't do this arrest because of my involvement with John years ago. But I just wanted to get it over with, and so I got on the helicopter and we made our way to where the Peggies call home, and on the way there, I thought to myself, 'If those feelings want to start up again, then bring them on. I'm not scared anymore.'

John's P.O.V

As I sat there and watched my brother perform his sermon about the collapse and how we should be prepared, My mind drifted to my past and all the events that led me to where I am now—how I used to be one of the best lawyers in Georgia. I knew the people back then, but there was one person I couldn't shake from my mind, no matter how many times I would push it. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) She was my best friend in high school, and we were close like brother and sister, but I was so scared to tell her how I felt about her, so I always kept my distance about my feelings but never left her side.

I remember her bright smile, when I would make her laugh at jokes I made or when I was trying to cheer her up after a rough day at school, and the way her (H/C) and (H/L) would shine brightly in the sun and blow in the wind. Her (Y/S/I/H/S, your style in high school) was always cute and adorable, and she looked beautiful in whatever she wore, as I kept reminiscing about how beautiful my old friend was.

I didn't even notice that Sheriff Whitehorse and (Y/H) woman beside him and some U.S. Marshall had interrupted my brother's sermon. I sent a scowl in the direction of the two men that had just barged into Joseph's church. The Marshall had demanded that Joseph put his hands where he could see them and for the cop who was standing between the sheriff and him to cuff my brother. I swore "The Deputy" was about to cuff my brother; she looked so familiar but different. It was like I was looking at (Y/N), but through a different lens, gone was the cute, adorable 17-year-old girl I knew in high school. I was now looking at (Y/A, your age) woman with a badge and a gun. She had defiantly grown into her curves that she had in high school, and her face and (E/C) were by far the most beautiful features on her, along with her (H/L) and (H/C).

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