Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou or NCIS in anyway!

Chapter 1
It was a party in Beika City Hotel on the third floor for a party. Mouri Ran smiled at Edogawa Conan who was going on about Sherlock Holmes. Her blue eyes often as she was reminded of her absent Detective best friend. 'Just like Shinichi...' she thought watching Conan talking happily about Sherlock Holmes.
"Neechan?" Came Hattori Heiji's voice that seemed to break Ran out of her trance.
"What's wrong Ran-neechan?" Conan asked noticing that Ran had zoned out suddenly. " are you thinking of Shinichi-niisan?" Conan asked causing Ran to frown annoyed that Conan had figured out her thoughts so easily.
"What are you going on about?" Ran retorted, "I'm not thinking about that stupid detective geek!" She exclaimed. Heiji had a frown as Conan couldn't help wince at that statement.
                  'Ran...' Conan thought before speaking out loud rubbing the back of his head nervously "It was nothing Ran-neechan..."
                It was a while later Conan was talking to Heiji, while Ran was chatting with Sonoko and Kazuha. They were talking about different things when Conan felt killer intent flare up. Conan's eyes widened looking around to see if he could find the source.
               "What's wrong?" Heiji asked suddenly noticing the sudden change come over his friend.
               "I..." Conan's voice trailed off. "Have you ever had the feeling that something is going to happen?" Conan asked his expression turning serious.
               "Of course I have" Heiji replied "Why do you ask Kudou" Heiji asked but before Conan answer the others came up.
                 "What are you two whispering about now?" Kazuha asked annoyed.
                Conan's serious face changed into the childish cheerful kid mask "It's nothing" he said and then turned with a grin before running off.
                 "Conan-kun!" Ran called out watching him him run off.
                 "I have something to do!" Conan called out as he waved "I'll catch up with you later Ran!" Was his call as he ran into the other room. Ran's eyes widened
                 'What?' She thought as Conan's retreating back shifted into Shinichi's as he ran off that night at Tropical Land. 'Shinichi...' she thought.
                 "Um.... Earth to Ran-chan?" Kazuha said
                "Those words..." Ran whispered "Just Like Shinichi..."
                  "Eh? You mean, " I have something to do! I'll catch up with you later Ran?" that Conan-kun told you right now?" Sonoko asked
                 "You don't understand!" Ran exclaimed "Those were the last words Shinichi told me before running off!" Ran exclaimed. Sonoko gave a sigh at stubborn friend.
               "Oh come on Ran. Forget about that stupid detective jerk!" Sonoko said as she grabbed Ran by her hand.   
                "This is a party. You're supposed to enjoy yourself not brood about him!" She declared as she dragged Ran and Kazuha deeper in the party. Heiji looked around trying to spot Conan but couldn't find him. He knew if he didn't want to be found then Conan would be very hard to find. Heiji heaved a sigh as he followed Kazuha, Ran and Sonoko deeper into the party still worried about his friend.
Hello! Wow I can't believe I am finally posting this story! I've wanted to this for more than seven years but due to some complications, this story has been on my laptop for a really long time. I share my laptop with my Okaasan and now that I have wattpad and my laptop I can finally do this! This may have consistent updates...well while I still have my laptop.
Hope you enjoyed the beginning....
-Khaos no Sam

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