Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou or NCIS in anyway!

Chapter 12

Inside the convention center there was organized chaos the moment they heard Kaitou Kid's voice come out what seemed to be nowhere, and they continued in order to guard the gem. Saguru gazed at the area where he had predicted that Kaitou kid would make his grand entrance.
"Let's see what games you got Kaitou kid," Saguru said quietly before Heijii Hattorri stood next to him.
"Ya say something?" Heijii asked, as they were ready for the thief to make his debut. Saguru shook his head
"No..." Saguru replied "You probably imagined you heard something" and it was quiet between the two detectives.
Mere seconds later a strong gust of wind forced many people to cover their eyes and the power had gone off at the same time.
When the wind died down there in front of them stood the Phantom Thief 1412 Kaitou Kid. He wore his all white trademark suit, with his crimson tie, his monocle covered his right eye and the white top hat completed the look. The emergency lights switched on and Kaitou Kid spoke calmly.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Kaitou Kid said, "Welcome to my show" he said in English.
Nakamori-kebu let out a loud snarl. "I'm going to catch you! You stupid fucking thief!" and Kaitou Kid merely shrugged in response too used Nakamori-kebu's threats.
"Now Now" Kaitou Kid said, "You don't want to give yourself a hernia do you?" he asked and snickered playfully.
"Nakamori-kebu colored in rage. "I'll give you a fucking hernia!" Nakamori-kebu yelled shaking his fists at the thief.
He couldn't contain himself anymore and charged at the thief only to be showered with confetti as Kaitou Kid dodged the Task force tackle/dog pile. Kaitou Kid gracefully dodged the other pursuers almost as if he was dancing towards the staircase.
Both Heijii and Saguru moved and blocked the staircase aka Kaitou Kid's escape route.
"Ah! My two most loyal critics of all time" Kaitou Kid exclaimed. "You've come to dance in the moonlight with me. I'm so excited," he said cheerfully raising his arm.
The two detectives tensed ready for some type of trick, only to be thrown off by the thief pulling out two roses out of thin air.
Both detectives sweat dropped as Kaitou Kid threw the flowers to both detectives.
             "A rose for both of you, Tantei-san, Tantei-han" Kaitou Kid said as they caught it. Saguru pocketed the flower before he looked up. Heijii did the same with the flower.
    "Why? Why are you worrying us?" Saguru asked. "Don't you care about how much you are hurting Nakamori-chan, Koizumi-chan and I?" he demanded his eyes flashing with hurt. Kaitou Kid remained silent as Saguru continued. "Aren't we friends?"
    "And what da hell didja mean by calling Kudou ya twin brother?" Heijii demanded wanting to know why the thief had said what he said.
    "Tantei-san...I used to pretend that Kaitou Kid didn't exist and we were friends or even more than just friends not rivals." Kaitou Kid said before walking towards the two detectives.
               "And what I said about Kudou is nothing important. Tantei-han you shouldn't worry about the important, it is unimportant." Kaitou Kid reached out and gently nudging both detectives out of his way.
Saguru moved and grabbed Kaitou Kid by the shoulder gripping it tightly stopping the thief in his tracks at his unexpected action.
              "Tell me! Tell me dammit! Why did you push us away? It hurts! Can't you see that we're hurting!" Saguru exclaimed.
            "You're hurting me!" Saguru cried out pain and anguish in his voice. Kaitou Kid let out a sigh as he reached up with a gloved hand and gently pried Saguru's pale hand off his shoulder.
           "I know it hurts you." Kaitou Kid said as he gently clasped Saguru's hand as he lowered it off his shoulder.
           "I'm doing this to protect you Saguru. Even if it means I have no place in your heart. I'm trying to protect you Saguru" Kaitou Kid said as he let go and then began to go up the stairs disappearing from sight.
            "Let's go!" Heijii exclaimed and both dashed up the stairs to spot Kaitou Kid.
             "KID!!!" Heijii yelled as they charged still in possession of the roses, as they sprinted up the stairs. Kaitou Kid turned and with a smirk snapped his fingers. Then he disappeared in a poof scattering into frightened doves. Using that as a distraction, and the other Taskforce members running around like chickens with their heads cut off, Kaitou Kid headed to the display case. Silently he used a glasscutter to cut the top of the display case top.
               However as Kaitou Kid's gloved hand closed around the Hope Diamond one of the task force members noticed the theft and gave a yell alerting the inspector and his men.
              "Kebu! He's got the gem!!!" one task force member yelled. This caused the others to turn. Kaitou Kid remained undisturbed a pokerface on his face. Kaitou Kid merely pulled out a pellet and tossed it into the crowd, which emitted a smokescreen, which gave off blue smoke.
               Kaitou Kid used the smokescreen to disappear and run up the stairs where he saw Heijii and Saguru waiting there for him.
              "You're getting predictable" Heijii replied and then Kaitou Kid let out a chuckle in. "Tantei-han...Tantei-san" Kaitou Kid greeted as the chaos disguised the conversation. "I'm unpredictable, just spontaneous." Kaitou Kid answered.
              "What do you think you're doing prancing around like a magician on crack?" Saguru demanded as he grabbed onto the white cape.
              "My dear Tantei-san I believe this pretty sparkle is the one" Kaitou Kid answered. "But I think you already come to that conclusion" he said as the smoke was starting to clear in the viewing room.
             "Be might get hurt," Saguru warned and Kaitou Kid chuckled "I'm not worried about me, more for my critics. This heist will be the most dangerous after all there will be more activity of THEM." Kaitou Kid said before moving closer to Saguru.
              Saguru moved backwards at each step only to have himself bump against the wall the railing digging into his lower spine painfully as Kaito pinned Saguru to the wall.
             "There is a reason that I have my rule "No one get's hurt" during my heists" Kaitou Kid said and made it so Saguru and Kaitou Kid's faces were merely inches apart.
              "Doesn't that include you? Doesn't your stupid rule include you?" Saguru questioned trying to keep a blush back but failed as his cheeks took on a colored tint.Kaitou Kid let out a sigh.
              "No. No it doesn't" Kaitou Kid said before capturing Saguru's lips in his. Saguru was in complete and total shock the thief was kissing him. His best friend and classmate was kissing him.
                Heijii's eyes bulged out of his sockets as he watched shocked as Saguru returned the kiss. Kaitou Kid chuckled inwardly as Saguru's cheeks flushed a bright red as Kaitou Kid pulled away.
               "You bastard!" Heijii yelled and Kaitou Kid let go of Saguru gently.
              "This is my final show after all. Might as well make it count." Kaitou Kid exclaimed and then pulled scarves out of his sleeves making sure to aim the barrage at both detectives. The force of the scarves sent both Heijii and Saguru toppling them backwards and Kaitou Kid gave a small wave.
               "Come and get me my loyal critics" and then chase was on and they chased the thief to the roof their clothes spattered with different colored paint from hidden traps.
               Heijii and Saguru cornered the thief on the stairs before the roof. "Where is the Hope Diamond?" Heijii demanded of the thief. Kaitou Kid shook his finger at the Kansai Meitantei with a smirk.      
               "Now Now...Tantei-han" he said as a Cheshire grin spread across Kaitou Kid's face. "You'll have to catch me first my darling tanteis." Kaitou Kid declared but before the two detectives could pounce Kaitou Kid pulled out two bottles of silly string and
sprayed it in their faces.
               Retreating laughter caused both the detectives to swear, as they sputtered through the wave of the nasty bits string, which came into their mouths.
             "Urgh! That is some nasty shit!" Heijii exclaimed as they sat up. Without further ado they chased after the thief up the stairs.
The plot thickens! Silly string is some pretty nasty shit! I know from experience which was not fun.

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