Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou or NCIS in anyway!

⚠️Warning ⚠️
⛔️graphic violence and blood warning ahead. Also some language!⛔️

Chapter 3

               Minutes later the others reach the ground floor as a Detective badges admitted a live transmission.
               "That's as far as you go brat" came a cruel unfamiliar as Haibara Ai shivered recognizing the voice. Heiji picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.
              "I won't allow you to kill anyone innocents" came Edogawa Conan's voice "Gin, Vodka"
             "You certainly did your homework, you stupid little brat" Gin sneered.
             "Aniki...this boy...he was at the Toutou Tower" Vodka said.
             "You destroyed our ride!" Gin growled
             "Yes. Yes, I am responsible for that" Conan admitted. "Now tell me, why did you kill Irish? He was one of your comrades, one of your own!" Conan demanded.
             "Heh, The cops were going to catch him-" Gin began only to be interrupted by Conan.
             "And you leave no loose ends behind." Conan replied calmly.
"Now how would a mere child know about us?" Gin demanded.
However Conan let out a bitter laugh, so uncharacteristic of the seven years old child. Or even the young detective they had gotten to know.
"Oh I know everything about you crows and you're in the nefarious organization" Conan replied
"Thanks to Sherry" his words caused Haibara to let out a gasp unnoticed by the group due to the fact because they were focused on the transmission.
"Where is that traitorous bitch?" Gin snarled with a dangerous undercurrent in his tone.
"Long gone" Conan replied lightly "Sorry Gin, Sherry's long gone by now" Conan declared only to have Gin laugh demonically at the response.
             "You unlucky brat. You won't make it out of this encounter alive" Gin sneered.
             Ran looked confused and terrified at the statement "What?" She asked
             "You're bleeding freely from the dagger" Vodka added.
            "Obviously" Conan responses taking them by surprise "I know I won't make it through this, however I will take you both down with me even if it kills me" Conan said "This I swear"
            The two Black Organization operatives let out gasps of shock.
            "W-who are you?" Vodka demanded as Conan's eyes were shadowed but wore a smirk looking unafraid speaking.
            "Edogawa Conan" Conan replied "Detective" causing Gin to narrow his eyes.
"You're too smart to just be a child" Gin said
"And you've killed so many people that you've forgotten the faces of the ones you've killed" Conan countered raising his head to reveal the steel gaze at Gin "How pathetic..." Conan sneered.
              "What the hell is that brat thinking?" Mouri Kogoro exclaimed "Is he trying to get killed?!"
               "Conan-kun!" Ran exclaimed 'Shinichi, where are you?! Help me, Conan-kun needs you' she pleaded silently 'He'll die if you don't help him'
               "Bring me Sherry and I'll spare your life" Gin said as he raised the gun at the detective.
               Everyone waited for Conan's reply wanting to know who exactly was Sherry and why Conan was protecting her of all people.
               'Shinichi...' Agasa hakase thought. He couldn't help but be extremely worried about the boy  he felt like a son to him. He was facing his greatest and deadliest enemies yet. There was the possibility that the young detective would die in this encounter instead of pulling through with the Devil's luck like previous encounters.
                "No" was Conan's reply " I would rather die than give you Sherry" he declared. This seemed to seal his fate in the encounter that may prove fatal.
                "Then die you fool" Gin roared as the sounds of guns discharging echoed before Gin's shocked voice. "How are you still alive?" Gin gasped.
                 Even though he had shot the young detective, the young detective had refused to give up. He still stood defiant unlike the others Gin had killed over the years.
                  "You can try to kill me all you like, I will always come back" Conan declared "I am the Silver Bullet" he said.
                  "W-who are you?" Gin asked shocked at the child in front of him. This was the first time he had felt such raw shock from encountering one of his marks.
                   "Who do you think I am?" Conan replied calmly the calmness of his voice shocked the others. There was no trace of fear in his voice or body language.
                    Gin's cruel green eyes widened in response as the realization dawned on him and he finally remembered the person he killed.
                    "We silenced you! I gave you the untested poison myself that night at Tropical Land!" Gin exclaimed.
                    Haibara Ai came to a decision 'I can't let you die for need my help, Kudou-kun' Haibara thought as she climbed out of Heiji's protective warmth.
                   "I'm going back. I'm not abandoning him; I won't do that to him. I owe him so much" Haibara said.
                   "They'll kill you!" Agasa Hakase exclaimed "That's why Conan-kun is facing Them!" He protested.
                     There was a determined look in her eyes and with a sinking heart Agasa-Hakase that she was completely right. She had to help him. She had no choice left but to protect him like he had protected her!
               "I know the risks more than anyone" Haibara replied "You know that Hakase. Conan needs my help"
This got the attention of everyone.
"You're just a child! What can you do?" Sonoko exclaimed worried and terrified for the young child who was facing such evil people.
Haibara reached into her pocket and then popped something in her mouth "I'm not a child. I was never a child" and she swallowed. And then before their eyes, Haibara Ai began to grow in front of their eyes Agasa moved to block it as she changed.
                "W-what?" they exclaimed.
                "Ai-kun!" Agasa said as she pulled out her gun and loaded it before dashing up the stairs.
                "D-Did I just see Ai-chan grow up?" Mitsuhiko asked blankly before their attention was caught.
                "That's enough Gin, Vodka" came the woman's voice.
                "S-Sherry" Gin said, as he saw the woman that he was pursuing standing in front of him. Conan looked up "W-why did you come back?" Conan exclaimed. "I was trying to protect you"
               "How?" Vodka asked.
               "Leave the Meitantei alone." Sherry said. "I came on my own accord. I don't want you to die for me or die for my sins." she told Conan as she walked over to Conan who was suffering from wounds on his body bleeding freely.
                "How fortuitous for you to join us my bloody lovely Sherry" Gin said.
               "Go to Hell Gin" Sherry replied and helped Conan up as she did she leaned closer to his ear.
              "The antidote is ready for you," she whispered the words lost over the radio transmission.
               "Right" the others heard as Conan dashed off to hide behind the counter. He slipped the antidote into his mouth and swallowed it falling down to his knees letting out a pain filled scream, which the others heard through the badge transmission.
               "Conan-kun!!!" Ran called out while Conan reached for the extra clothes stashed underneath the bar counter while Sherry faced off against Gin and Vodka. Ran was terrified as there was no sign of Conan at all since his pain filled scream.
               "What happened?" Ran exclaimed, "Why did Conan scream?" she demanded. Heijii closed his eyes praying that the fellow detective was okay.
               'Kudou...' he thought worried about the shrunken detective 'Please be okay...please...' and there was loud unnerving silence.
Dun dun dun!!!! What will happen next? Stay tuned!

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