Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou or NCIS in anyway!

Chapter 6

The large explosion had alerted something was dreadfully wrong. Kaito's eyes widened at the sight of the wounded and dying detective lying in a large crimson puddle cradled by his childhood friend. Saguru's amber eyes widened seeing the almost exact double of his classmate Kaito except covered in blood.
"There are two of you?" Saguru murmured but Kaito ignored it watching the scene, slamming his poker face into place, as he knew that the detective's luck was running out. This time the great detective of the East would die and nothing would save him from his fate.
              "W-Why didn't you tell me?" Ran demanded. Shinichi's eyes flashed with visible emotion as her question got to him.
              "I would rather die then have or see you get hurt," he declared fiercely. "I love you too much. I love you too much to risk your life"
             "When's that ambulance getting here?" Kogoro muttered frustrated that he was watching someone he was fond of dying in front of his eyes. Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
             "Shinichi!" Ran cried out and she was once again crying which made Shinichi's heart ache even more in response.
              "Don't cry...please...I hate when you cry because of me" Shinichi said softly.
               "Please don't leave me again..." Ran sobbed.
                 "I will try" Shinichi said and he could feel his eyes were growing heavy and the pain was growing overwhelmingly.
                "Promise me!" Ran wailed. Shinichi's eyes softened but he spoke his voice firmly.
                "I can not make promises I might not keep. I've had enough of lies for a lifetime...I'm sorry..." Shinichi's voice trailed off. 'My vision is time must be almost up.' he thought. 'But before I go...' he thought.
                 "Hattori" Shinichi said and Heijii immediately knelt next to Shinichi.
                 "Yes Kudou?" Heijii said trying to keep the emotion out of view of witnessing his best friend bleeding out in his girlfriend's lap. Heijii knew what Shinichi was going to say was very important and would be his final words before he died.
               "Protect Shiho" Shinichi gasped out causing Heijii to gasp.
                 "Ahou!" Heijii exclaimed. "Don't die you ahou!" he cried out. "Don't make me watch you die!" he protested. "I wont be able to handle watching you die! You're my best friend!"
                  Sherry rushed over to the detective "Don't die Kudou! You promised to protect me!" She begged worry clear in her expression and voice.
                  "I know. I know I made that promise" Shinichi replied, "In the scenario I do not make it. The scenario where my devil's luck finally runs out" he said. "Hattori, Heijii; Hakuba, Saguru; Kaitou Kid or Kuroba Kaito and Mouri Ran will protect you. They will protect you Shiho..."
                 "I don't even know you!" Saguru exclaimed and Shinichi writhed in pain unable to hold back the dam of pain and Ayumi couldn't bear to watch any longer.
                 *Hic* you were my best friend!" she cried out and ran over to Shinichi hugging him tightly as she could as if her hug would keep him here from dying. Keeping him from leaving her alone and behind.
                 "Don't go Conan-kun! Please don't go" Ayumi wailed sobbing. Shinichi's eyes softened in response. He knew it would be hard for the young detective boys with his death but the words had to be said. He was very grateful for what they had done for him through the painful time as Conan Edogawa.
                 "Ayumi-chan..." he whispered. The other two members of the Detective Boys came over. Mitsuhiko blinked back tears this was one of his best friends dying in front of him.
                  "W-We had fun being with you" he choked out.
                   "All adventures must come to an end." Shinichi's voice was choked with emotion. "I had a great time with you three. Thank you for accepting Conan in your group." Shinichi said. "Thank you for all that you have done for me"
                   "If you give up and die I will bring you back and kill you myself. Got that Kudou Shinichi." Sherry said coldly and Ayumi let go.
                   "Barro~" Shinichi said with a sweat drop.  
                  "I'll try Miyano Shiho. Plus you need to lighten up or your face will stay like that," he said. 
                  Then he felt the pain wash over him getting worse. The faces around him were starting to blur mixing together.
                  It was time for make his final bows on the stage of the life. Shinichi knew it and so did the others. However they didn't want to admit it that it was time for the detective of the East to pass on from this world to the next.
                 "Shinichi?" Ran whispered her voice cracking with pure grief.
                   "Let me sleep for a bit..." Shinichi said softly as his eyes began to close on their own accord.   
                  "Okay Ran-chan?" Ran panicked at her best friend's words
                  "You can't!" she cried out frantically. Shinichi raised the hand that was covering his side and reached up wiping a tear from Ran's cheek leaving behind a bloodied streak from his hand that was covered with his blood. A soft and gentle peaceful smile grew as he gazed at Ran as if he was memorizing Ran's face for the very last time.
                  Then as his strength was lost Shinichi's hand dropped to the ground with a thump and a splash as it dropped into the puddle of crimson. And then his eyes rolled back into his head as his eyes closed, as he no longer could keep himself there.
                  Everyone's eyes widened in shock and horror as Shinichi's head turned to the side limply and Ran gasped. The Ambulance was rolling to a halt as Ran let out an anguished scream of her best friend and love's name.
                  "Shinichi?" Ran screamed. Her scream tore through the hearts of all of the witnesses. Heijii bowed his head in grief for a moment of silence honoring the detective who was such a good friend to him.
                    The medics came and lifted Shinichi onto the stretcher. Ran and Shiho got in the ambulance.
                    The medic spoke. "He's just fainted" the medic said and there was relieved looks on both girls' faces.
                    The ambulance roared off as Agasa, Kogoro and Heijii were doing damage control while the firemen put out the blaze of the burning building. The only injured was Shinichi the others were safe. Thanks to the detectives sacrifice, no one had been harmed.
Woot! Another chapter has arrived! Well! This story is much easier to upload because it's already typed up. However for my other story I have it written in notebook form which makes that harder. I also have my laptop which is a shocker. Stay tuned!

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