Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou or NCIS in anyway!

                                    Chapter 13

             Saguru opened the door to the roof; the moon lit it up making the scene look unreal. They exited to see Kaitou Kid with his back to them; Kaitou Kid reached into his pocket. He raised the diamond as if he was giving an offering to the full moon. When the moonlight bathed it, the navy blue diamond began to glow crimson, the crimson light playing off Kaitou Kid's white suit. The diamond cracked and then Kaitou pulled out the large crimson stone.
               It was about as large as Saguru's palm, and Kaitou put the blue diamond into his pocket for safe keeping.     
              After that he lowered the hand with the crimson stone level with his chest. The core appeared to be filled with liquid and a sigh broke the silence.
            "At last..." Kaitou Kid said speaking for the first time since reaching the rooftop, "I have finally found you... Pandora..." he said softly.
            "Pandora?" Saguru asked in shock. "I thought that the Hope diamond was your target" He exclaimed shocked.
             Both detectives moved closer by a couple steps. Kaitou Kid gave a half smile. "Tantei-san, Tantei-han. Isn't Lady Selena glowing so beautiful tonight?" Kaitou Kid asked.
            "Stop changin' the subject thief!" Heijii exclaimed. "What are you trying to pull? What did the note mean by promises of eternity?" he demanded.
             "Explain" Saguru added.
              "If you had the chance to be immortal would you take it?" Kaitou Kid asked.
              "That's impossible!" Heijii exclaimed, "No one can become immortal" he exclaimed.
               "I always return what I steal the pretty sparklies" Kaitou Kid said "But this's much too dangerous." his voice hardened "Many lives have been destroyed...the price of my father's life" Kaitou Kid said his voice filled with a deep sadness.   
                "He died trying to find this, bloody stone" and both Heijii and Saguru's eyes widened and they looked at each other and began to come closer.
                 The silence was broken by a loud sound, and crimson sprayed from Kaitou Kid's back. The gem had a small crack in it, and both detectives rushed forwards as Kaitou Kid fell to his knees hunched over in pain.
                  One hand was clenched around the Pandora and the other was trying to stop the bleeding. Kaitou Kid struggled to breathe as pain washed over him. Saguru and Heijii dashed over and steadied the thief trying to stop the bleeding.
                 "Kuroba? Are you okay?" Saguru asked concern in his eyes and tone.
                Kaitou Kid ignored the two detectives and staggered to his feet the pokerface returning feeling that someone was coming. A man jumped down clad all in black and Heijii's eyes narrowed, as did Kaitou's.
                "Well Well" the man in black sneered, 
                "Thank you thief for finding the Pandora for us." he sneered.
                 "Friend of yours Kaitou Kid" Saguru asked unsure at the change of action. Kaitou Kid retorted.   
                 "Not at all" he said, "Snake! You bastard! I would never give you this stone. Even if you gave me all the gems in the world!" the declaration echoed and Snake laughed.
                "Just like your father and your brother." Snake sneered as Kaitou Kid pulled out his cardgun pointing it at Snake.
               "My father was a good man," Kaitou Kid declared. "And leave my brother out of this"
               'Brother?' Saguru thought confused. 'I thought he was the only child'
               "Instead of killing just your father we should've killed your entire family." Snake sneered. "We have already claimed your brother!" he said.
              "My brother still lives" Kaitou Kid responded before Snake lashed out with a kick. Kaitou Kid dodged most of the blows before he let out a cry of pain. He flew backwards skidding across the roof.  
              The Pandora Gem skidded across the roof just out of Kaitou Kid's reach. Snake moved and then as Kaitou Kid reached for the gem Snake stepped on Kaitou's hand crushing it. Snake smirked as Kaitou Kid cried out in pain as his bones creaked.
              "Kid!" the other two detectives moved instantly seeing that the thief was in danger. Saguru charged at Snake and tackled the black organization member. The gem flew out of Snake's hand and clattered across the rooftop.
                Heijii ran picking up the gem quickly and Kaitou Kid stood up ignoring the fact that he was bleeding to death from the gunshot wound. His eyes blurred for a couple seconds and then he blinked a couple times to clear his eyes. He would have to make the biggest sacrifice when his luck ran out.  
                Kaitou Kid lowered his hand allowing the blood to stain his pristine white suit. He walked over to Snake, who was grappling with Saguru Hakuba and winning. Taking Snake by surprise he punched Snake in the side of the head. Saguru was freed and Snake toppled over. Heijii tossed the gem to Kaitou Kid who caught it.
                 Saguru on the other hand actually handcuffed the Black Organization member and Kaitou Kid could hear the footsteps of the Kaitou Kid Task Force coming closer and closer. He could feel blood loss starting to affect him.
                "Damn you!" Snake yelled, "Damn you! I'm going to fucking kill you!" was his yell.
                 The task force made their appearance and Kaitou Kid pulled out his card gun.
                "Kaitou Kid!" Nakamori-kebu roared.
                "Snake." Kaitou Kid said. "You will never obtain immortality." Kaitou Kid said and then with his crushed hand he held the crimson gem.      
                "Your organization is finished" Kaitou Kid declared. Snake recovered with a hateful gleam in his cruel eyes.
                 "You'll die. That's a fatal wound I gave you." Snake sneered. "You're going to die tonight. Your luck has finally run out"
                  Kaitou Kid kept his pokerface strong, as he remained completely silent and then tossed the Pandora Gem up in the air. Kaitou Kid aimed his card gun and fired the gun.
                  The card hit and the gem was shattered and Snake let out an enraged roar.
                  "NOOO! DAMN YOU KUROBA KAITO!" he roared struggling to escape. Kaitou Kid let out a sigh.  
                  "I have avenged you," he whispered. He swayed and then Saguru rushed forwards to catch him. However Kaitou Kid shook his head and Saguru froze suddenly in his steps.
                  "It's too late Saguru" Kaitou Kid said. "Snake is right. I'm dying," he said. "My limitless luck has finally run out," he said
                  "What?" Saguru gasped in shock.
                  "I-Impossible! Kaito-kun? You're Kaitou Kid?" Nakamori Kebu gasped loudly as his men led away Snake to be arrested.
                   "Yes. I took up the mantle of the thief in order to find out who murdered my father and hurt my older brother." Kaito said and then swayed from the wounds he had received.
                   "Brother?" Nakamori- Kebu exclaimed.   
                   "Impossible! You are an only child!" he said.
                    "No. My older twin brother." Kaito replied. His hand was covered in blood and everyone paled at the reminder that the untouchable thief was dying.
                     "You need medical care," Heijii said. Kaito regained his pokerface
                      "Sorry Hattorri, Saguru" Kaito Kid said, "I can't..." before pulling out a flash pellet dropping it. It exploded blinding the people on the roof. 
                       Kaitou Kid headed towards the edge diving off. He free fell until he had to unleash his hang glider.
                    "Dammit!" Hakuba called out and then the two dashed off followed by Nakamori -Kebu in the Kaitou Kid Task Force cars.
The truth has finally been revealed! Kaitou Kid's objective has finally been completed...will it be the end of Kuroba Kaito, The Phantom Thief Kaitou Kid? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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