Badges , T-shirts and perfect place

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The Thea Sisters had come up with the right idea to raise the funds necessary to set up the premises of the Young Readers' Club . All they had to do was act . The first step was to recruit as many students as possible to form groups responsible for taking care of each part of the project , such as the decorations to the design of the poster , from the development of the program to the choice of the place where . the concert would take place , etc . To inform their comrades of their initiative and to arouse vocations , the Thea Sisters and their allies wrote an advertisement , which they lined the walls of Mouseford with .

''Do you have the fiber of a musician , a dancer or a sound engineer ? Find out by participating in the organization of the most fantastic concert on Whale Island !

Meeting Thursday at 4:00 p.m. , room 27A''

Amazed by the proposal , many students came to the meeting , ready to make their contribution . As for the last minute volunteers , they would have no trouble joining the group , they would just have to follow the music . Quickly , the organizers began to play one song after another in order to select the best sound accompaniments . A few days later , Pamela and Shen arrived at the headquarters , loaded with large boxes .

Pamela : Hey , guys ! We have suprise for you !

She and Shen then unpacked a few samples of the stock of T-shirts and badges they had had made for the occasion . They all had the same design , a book with a helmet on . Draw especially by the most gifted artists of the academy .

Pamela : We will sell them !

Nicky : Wow ! I'm sure they'll easily gone !

As her classmates scrambled to pin a badge , Pamela noticed Colette looked upset .

Pamela : Yo , Colette ! Are you alright ?

Colette : Yes , I'm fine .

Pamela : Hmm...You and I have been sharing the same room since our first day at the academy . Know that I know you better than anyone . What you just said , I don't believe !

Her friend finally confesses to her .

Colette : I have to find a place for the concert , but I still haven't seen anything that I like ...

Pamela : So , what we waiting for ?

Pamela took Colette's paw and dragged her down the halls .

Pamela : Let's go !

The two girls got into Pamela's car and visited all the sites that could accommodate a stage and its audience , but to no avail . Each of these spaces had a flaw , a tad too small , too bare , too far from the academy ... Discouraged , Colette collapsed on a bench in the port .

Colette : Nothing to do ! I will not able ! The show is going to cancel because of me ! It would take a magical , amazing , unforgettable place , but where is he hiding ?!

Pamela : Magical...Amazing...Unforgettable place...

Colette : Yeah !

Pamela : Like...this ?

Pam pointed at the panorama that stretched out in front of them . Colette raised her eyes and gazed at the stone quay that jutted out into the blue sea , topped by a clear sky , crisscrossed with seagulls .

Colette : Yes , that's it ! We can do the concert right here !

She hugged her friend .

Colette : Thanks Pam ! I can't imagine what I will do without you !

In the meantime , the other three Thea Sisters realized that the room where the organizing committee met was not the only bustling place in the academy . From the gymnasium came deafening music .

Nicky : What is this sound ?

Violet : Look , is that Alan ?

Alan , the butler of Vissen's family was standing in front of the door .

Paulina : Hi , Alan , what are you doing here ?

Alan : Well...I-

The three girls hardly needed an explanation , at the same time the door to the gymnasium snapped open .

Vanilla : Alan ! Bring us the energy drinks !

Surprised to come face to face with Nicky , Paulina and Violet .

Vanilla : You , why are you here ?! Our rehearsals are top secret !

Violet : What are you talking about ?

Glancing around the room , she immediately understood . Camped in front of a large television , Zoe and Alicia reproduced the movements of the dancing woman on the screen . Vanilla and her comrades were preparing for the concert .

Nicky : This girl-

Vanilla : Yes , It's the famous Miss Arabesque ! Not being able to travel , she sent me this video , because she is very keen on choreographing the Vanillettes performance !

Nicky : The Vanilletes ?!

Vanilla : Yes , the group that will make your show into an unforgettable event !

With these words , the young heiress closed the door and turned to her friends .

Vanilla : Alright , girls ! Let's start from the beginning ...

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