A melodious discovery

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The days passed without the Thea Sisters having time to rest . Besides going to class and doing their homework as usual , the five of them spent every moment of their free time organizing the concert . However , even exhausted , they never gave up spending time together . Every night before going to bed , they would gather in each other's bedroom to tell each other about the day's latest events .

Colette : Pam , did the tickets sell well today ?

Pamela : Success ! Shen and I went to Tamara's shop and all others and sold out !

Nicky : Good ! At this rate , they will quickly be exhausted !

Sitting on the window sill , Paulina was looking out the window .

Paulina : Ssh...You heard that ?

Colette , Nicky and Pam join their friend . Someone was playing a particularly sweet tune on the violin .

Colette : Maybe it's Violet . That's why she hasn't arrived yet . She is so taken by her music that she forgot about-

Then , the door open .

Violet : Sorry for late ! I helped Tanya change a string on her double bass!

The other four Thea Sisters looked at her  . They still hear the violin , and Violet is the only knowledgeable mouseling in this school who plays mastering the violin perfectly .

Pamela : Wait , what ?! If you are here...So , who is playing !?

Intrigued , the five friends followed the melody , which led them to a music room , where ...

Violet : Stirling !?

Kate Stirling , born September 21th under the sign of a Virgo , was recently new to Mouseford Academy and , as everyone had noticed , a very shy personnality . Preferring to stay away , she had yet to sympathize with anyone . Knowing her shyness , the Thea Sisters tried not to disturb her . But when Kate saw them , she stopped playing .

Kate : Hey...

Paulina : We heard music ... and we came . You never told us you were a violinist ! You are so good !

Kate : Thanks...

Colette scrolled through her memory the list of participants in the show , which she had reviewed in the afternoon .

Colette : But you are not registered for the concert ! Too bad ! You really should perform too , Stirling !

Kate : What ?! But , I-

Pamela : We need musicians like you .

Kate : No...No , no ! Forget me !

Slipping her violin into its case , she rushed out of the room . Kate headed for her room , when she was finally alone , she sighed .

Kate : I don't want be on the stage...again...

She put down her case and went to the bathroom to take a shower . A few minutes later , believing she had not yet returned , Apotre Mercury entered her room in silence .

Mercury : Okay ... good luck Mercury ... you can do it ... you just put those candies and this letter near Kate's violin case ... come on ... take a deep breath ...

In fact , Kate is the mouselet that Mercury loves her in secret . As he was about to put his present next to the case , Kate came out of the bathroom in her pajamas and a towel over her head . She saw the little intruder .

Kate : EEEeeek !

Mercury : Aaaaaahh ! Oh , don't scream !

Kate : AAAaaahh !

Kate tossed him a book , Mercury dodges it by teleporting .

Mercury : Please , don't be afraid !

Kate : Who are you ?! What are you doing in my bedroom and where you came from ?!

Mercury : From the window , and , I won't hurt you , Kate Stirling !

Frightened , the young girl backs up towards the bathroom . The slower she moves away , the smoother and more reassuring Mercury is .

Kate : You know my name ?!

Mercury : Yes . I just want-

Kate threw her shampoo at him , injuring the boy's nose . His nose is bleeding .

Mercury : Ow...

Kate immediately regretted what she just did .

Kate : Oh...I...I...Oh no ! Are you okay ?

To forgive him , she healed him .

Kate : I'm really sorry about that .

Mercury : It's fine .

Kate : What are you trying to tell me ?

He offers her the little box of candy .

Mercury : Here , it's for you . I wanted so much to give it to you ... I was among the people of your concerts and I never missed the opportunity to see you play . I am one of your big fan !

Kate : Thank you...What's your name ?

Mercury : Peoples call me Mercury . But..that's not my real name...

Kate : Mercury...

Outside , Io had spied on Mercury again without him suspecting anything . Io was sitting on a branch of a tree , and with black jealousy , she watches Kate and Mercury from a distance to see what these two are doing .

Io : Grrr !

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