A whim to start

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After much work and preparation , the day of the concert arrived . Attracted by the posters that flourished around every corner , residents of Whale Island flocked to the harbor in the early hours of the afternoon , curious to learn about the demonstration organized by the students of Mouseford . From the stand where she sold T-shirts and badges .

Pamela : Coco , the stage is nice !

Colette : Thanks ! Wait until you see it lit up !

After making her way through the crowd , Violet appeared next to them .

Violet : Colette ! Thank God , there you are ! There is a problem behind the scenes !

Pamela : Ouch ! I bet it's about Vanilla again .

She was right . When Colette and Pamela arrived there , their friend was in a fit of anger .

Vanilla : No , no and no ! Me and the Vanillettes demand a dressing room just for us !

Nicky : I'm sorry , but there is only one dressing room big enough for everyone !

Vanilla : Hah ! For you , maybe ! We need room for the makeup artist , the costume designer , the hairdressers-

Makeup artist : We can set up in this corner-

Vanilla : No one has asked you for your opinion ! I know exactly what we need ! You , just prepare your equipment !

Vanilla had hired a professional makeup artist . The annoyance of his unfortunate interlocutor escaped no one , not even the children of the Joyful Voices .

Mary : Do you know that you are very rude ?! You are more capricious than my 3 year old cousin !

The makeup artist couldn't help laughing , the little girl had dared to talk to Vanilla as she herself would have liked to do .

Makeup artist : Hey , kids ? If I made you a fun face for the concert ?

Vanilla : If you take care of one of these brats , you're fired !

Makeup artist : It doesn't matter ! I will be happy to make my time available to these lovely artists !

As Vanilla's face turned a red that even three coats of foundation couldn't have covered , the makeup artist opened her briefcase and began to draw more beautiful colorful patterns on the toddlers' faces . In the night sky , Apotre Jupiter , his Satelles and three of Satelles Minors arrived . Alone , Io is impatient .

Io : Can we finally attack now ?

Jupiter : No ! Be patient .

Callisto : Wouah , wouah , calm down , Io ! He , he , he !

The little girl is obsessed with finding Kate and killing her so that she leaves Mercury all for herself . Finally , the backing vocalists of the Joyful Voices gathered in a backstage corner , ready to take the stage .

Paulina : Wow! You are wonderful !

Roni : Soo , kids, do you remember our slogan ?

Toddlers : FUN !

Nicky : So , let's go !

The audience greeted their entry on stage with loud applause . The children sang and danced heartily , imparting their energy to all spectators . And even when a little misfire threatened to disturb them , they were quite confident . In the middle , Tommy stumbled and found himself on the floor . Far from losing composure , his friends hastened to imitate him , as if these falls were part of the choreography . The Joyful Voices were so successful that at the end of their number the audience stood up to give them a big applause . Behind the scenes , Vanilla was seething as she waited for her group to pass . After firing the makeup artist , she decided to take care of the preparation of the Vanillettes herself . Considering her nervousness , the result wasn't brilliant , now she and her friends looked more like clowns than singers . When she was ready , the girl took to checking out the audience . In the front row of spectators , she recognizes one of the faces , a certain Paul Paulie , the most influential producer . Not wanting to miss the opportunity to get noticed , she turned to her friends .

Vanilla : Girls , I've made a few changes to our choreography .

Zoe : But if we change it now , we risk making a mistake !

Vanilla : If you follow me , everything will be fine !

A moment later , Colette announced the Vanillettes . Once again , Vanilla wanted to step forward to impress the guest , but her efforts turned against her . In the midst of their performance , she steadily gained the center of the stage , and , while her comrades sang , began to improvise a series of solo figures . Doing pirouette after pirouette , she soon felt her head spin and finished in the air , in front of the stunned audience .

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