The new group

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Meanwhile , among the enemies , after much thought to find out the identity of the girl in the photo found in Apotre Mercury's bedroom , Io visits her master Apotre Jupiter .

Io : Master Jupiter !

She comes face to face with the other two Satelles Iuppiter , Callisto and Europa. Before Io had time to say a word, Jupiter cut her off .

Jupiter : You're good , Io . As soon as I attack the Whale Island , you will come with me along with Callisto , Europa and other Satelles Minor .

Io : Oh , umm...Yes, Master Jupiter ! I was just going to ask you . «With patience , I will find this bitch , find out her name and kill her ! » Philophrosyne !

Philophrosyne , one of the Satelles Minor arrives .

Philophrosyne : Yes , miss Io ?

Io : I need something relaxing to calm me down ! Go prepare my bubble bath ! NOW !!

Philophrosyne : Yes , miss Io !

The young woman disappears , then Io .

Callisto : He , he , he ! I wonder what is the thing that make Io in bad mood .

Europa : Why Io mad ?

At Mouseford Academy , the Vanillettes weren't the only ones wanting to take part in the concert . Many others saw it as a great opportunity to have fun . Among them was the children's choir from the municipal library . As soon as the toddlers had heard of the initiative launched by the students of Mouseford Academy to provide them with a new reading space, they had wanted to take the stage . Three outstanding choir directors had volunteered to conduct them , Nicky , Paulina and Roni . Finally , a third Thea Sister would perform that evening in the person of Violet . The mouselet would play in the company of comrades at least as passionate about music as herself , Tanya , Craig and Vic . Determined to give the best of themselves , the four of them hastened to meet to rehearse in one of the music rooms . But right after tuning their instruments , they found that they had failed to make a fundamental decision .

Vic : What kind of songs are we going to play ?

Tanya : What about this ?

She gave them scores to the other three . It's classical music .

Craig : Classic !? Why not rock ?

Vic : I had thought of something more good... Like blues song . Violet , what do you think ? According to you , should we play the classical , rock or blues ?

Violet : Hmmm...It's hard to choice....

As she scanned the instruments at their disposal ... Tanya's double bass , Vic's piano , Craig's drums , and her own violin ...

Violet : You know what ? You don't have to give up either of these options , there is one genre that brings them all together ... the jazz !

Craig : Alright ! We're going to form a jazz quartet !

Violet : And how about calling it ... Jazz & Fun ?

Tanya : This name sound good !

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