Kate open her heart

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After a few days , Violet had to admit made a mistake ... Kate didn't seem suited to playing in a band . Keeping to a cold , arrogant and detached demeanor , she never had a kind word or smile for any member of Jazz & Fun . From their second rehearsal , she refused to take a break to allow Craig to work on a passage he hadn't mastered . Kate was yelling at him for that .

Craig : Will you give me a few minutes to watch this fucking song again ?! I do not see where is the problem !

Kate : I don't see why I would waste time with someone who comes to rehearsals without having prepared enough !

While Craig had no hesitation in yelling at her back . For their part , at first , Tanya and Vic tried to be patient , figuring that their new recruit just needed time to settle in . But after a while , they had had enough . Tanya even wanted to put Olga (the Soviet pistol) on her forehead to tell her to shut up and keep playing and take a break , too bad she didn't have it with her . While Kate was leave for a while . Tanya , Craig and Vic discuss Kate's behavior .

Craig : I can not believe it ! Stirling replaced the songs we selected together with others of her choice !

After these words , he threw the sheet music on the floor that he had found that afternoon on his desk . Touching the piano keyboard , Vic hadn't looked at Tanya and Craig once since Kate left .

Vic : I don't know what you think , but for me that's to much ! We have tried all we can to make her feel comfortable , but she continues to act like she wants to prove that she is better than us !

Tanya : You're right . But at this point what can be done ? It is too late to find a new violinist .

Craig : You know what ? Rather than playing with miss "I know everything" , I would rather give up the concert !

Vic : Me too ! I no longer intend to bear her contempt . What about you , Tanya ?

For a moment , Tanya said nothing . Then she made her decision .

Tanya : Canceling our performance breaks my heart ... but I agree with you ! Before Stirling arrived , I was very happy to play with Violet . Now I realize that when we rehearse with Stirling , I'm always in a bad mood !

The three friends then began to think about the best way to tell Kate that the Jazz & Funs weren't going to be at the concert . What they did not know was that the mouselet had stopped in front of the half-open door and overheard their entire conversation . Then , with a sad expression , she decided not to go back to the music room . After arriving at the harbor to check that construction of the stage was proceeding smoothly , the Thea Sisters returned to Mouseford Academy . As they walked through the academy's garden , they saw Kate rushing off .

Pamela : Hello , Stirling !

The young girl passed not far from her without looking up and with a particularly gloomy expression .

Pamela : What's wrong with her ?

Violet : I could be wrong ... but I think she is very upset .

Colette : You're right . Something must have happened .

The Thea Sisters parted ways in an attempt to find her . Above them , Mercury was there . It wasn't for the Thea Sisters that he came to Earth , but he had just come to visit Kate . In fact , since the evening of the meeting , he and she had spent time together when Kate is free . And already , they are close , as if they have been friends for a very long time . The young SSA member saw Kate reach the top of the North Tower and began to play the violin . He join her . While the young girl is playing the instrument .

Mercury : Kate .

The young violinist stopped playing when she saw him .

Kate : Mercury .

Mercury : I saw you ignoring your friends , seeing your attitude , I wondered what was wrong . So ... why are you in a bad mood ? Did something happen to you ?

Kate : *sight* Well...

When Kate told Mercury everything .

Mercury : I see ... You know , I don't trust other people either . Sometimes I don't tell my family how I really feel . It took the courage to finally be able to tell them the truth honestly and open my heart .

Kate looked at him . Mercury smiles .

Mercury : It's good to open up to others you love . The more you confide in the right people , the more you free yourself from all the weight of the discomfort that you have kept for yourself . You understand ?

Kate : You're right ... I have to find the right words to tell the truth to my comrades ! Thanks , Mercury .

Kate played her violin again . Mercury sits down and listens to the music Kate is playing . At the same time , as the Thea Sisters were about to give up , postponing the discussion with their comrade until the evening meal , the soft accents of a violin were heard .

Nicky : The music comes from up there !

The five girls rushed up the stairs to the top . When Apotre Mercury heard them coming , he immediately disappeared . Colette , Paulina , Violet , Nicky and Pamela discovered that the mysterious interpreter was indeed their comrade .

Colette : Stirling , you left without saying hello . Something is wrong ?

Kate : I...I was just looking for a quiet place to exercise and-

Violet : How are the rehearsals going with the Jazz & Fun ?

Kate : We are not in tune...

Pamela : But , Tanya , Vic and Craig are nice ! Despite their faults ... But you don't get along ?

Kate : I don't know ... We're arguing about the choice of songs and how to play . I come to think ... that I better give up .

Nicky : What are the other members of the group saying ?

Kate : I heard them talk about me while I was out of the room ! They are complaining because I had changed the partitions without told them before !

Paulina : Why did you change the partitions without consulting the others , when you had chosen the program together ?

Kate : I thought it improved our performance ...

Violet : And couldn't you tell them about it instead of deciding on your own ?

Kate found the courage to explain to them why she was being so discouraging .

Kate : Last year , me and my best friend were still playing together ... me on the violin and she on the piano . We took part in a host of concerts and kept repeating that nothing would separate us . One day , I found out that the one I considered my sister had presented the songs we had composed together to a production company . Pretending that they were hers , she had negotiated the possibility of releasing an album solo . When I asked her for an explanation , she just said , '' Business is business ! ''. I was so affected by it that I decided to play alone from now on ... without trusting anyone anymore .

Pamela : So that's what you didn't sympathize with with Craig , Vic , and Tanya .

Kate : Yes , but I regret that I caused such a mess . I don't like the tough , distant Kate Stirling I gave them to see any more than you ! But now how do I fix my mistake ?

Violet : I have the solution...

Kate : Huh ?

Violet : Trust me .

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