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~~This has been bugging me for so long now, so no this isn't one of those in-the-heat-of-the-moment choices it's been on my mind for weeks. This really isn't a surprise since I mentioned it in the last chapter from a long time ago. As you may have seen, I'm putting this story on hold for reasons.

1. It sucks. I felt like this story went so far down in quality from the first.

2. My heart isn't in it. You can probably tell by how lazy I've been with the way i write lately for OBS but I have been wanting to write more of my own ideas like one I most likely will end up posting soon. Almost a year ago i was so excited about the first book and loved writing it. So much in fact I had written the whole book in a week or so (not counting when i was typing it up) which is what I do for this and OBS but i just can't write this good when I don't really want to. To be honest some of you liked it so I decided to continue just brushing it off thinking it was just a phase since it has happened before, but i still feel this way.

3, time and life Things in my life aren't too good at the moment family wise and I'm busy with schoolwork that the teachers are trying to get in before the end of the year I have little time to type or even talk to any of my friends out of school. 

Now i may end up later on either finishing this by chapters like usual/ one chapter with a summary of what happens, deleting this and removing anything having to mention it in the first book or rewriting everything.

I will still be updating OBS since i feel like that still has some promise in it.

Sorry if you are disappointed but I just can't continue, hope you can understand if you have any questions about it you can message me or comment.

Sad song to fit the mood, too.

As usual keep doing what you wanna, kl3~~

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