Yukon, Ud is out of his mind.

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Bridgette gives me a sad smile. "I saw what happened and know it was an accident. I'll see what i can do." I nod and slide down the wall. Bridge sits next to me, rubbing my arm, and Owen comes out of the kitchen.

"Flower, what's wrong?" Maple O sits to my right.

Bridgette speaks up. "Lillie accidentally tripped and fell on Alejandro and it looked like they were kissing. Noah and Nina blew up at her without listening." I tears are streaming down my face at this point and let Owen hug me as Izzy joins us.

"How could you, Lils? and I though you were cool! Come on, big O, let's go." Owen looks like he wants to stay.

"Go." I quietly tell him. "I'll be okay" he nods and follows his girlfriend.

"Hey Lillie you can sit with me and Lindsey." Bridgette offers me.

"Thanks. Can you explain to Lindsey for me? i need to sort things out." The vegetarian nods and walks out as I stand up and walk away.

Slowly, I make my way to the cargo hold and breakdown crying while I log into my laptop. Opening up cliptube, I log on and decide to dance. So I pick so dance tutorals and stay up until 11 before setting my alarm for 6, no one's up until 7, and go to sleep next to Bridgette.


"i get lost in you

your the sky i'm falling through-" I get up quietly and take my things to get ready. I strip off my clothes and let the hot water fall down on me as I begin to sing apart from my favorite songs.

"When I'm nervous I have this thing, yeah, I talk too much

Sometimes I just can't shut up

It's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll listen

And that's where I seem to mess up-"

Now that I think about it I trust people too easy. But now I'm gonna have my guard up besides Bridgette and maybe Lindsey.

"-Yeah, I forget about the consequences

For a minute there I lose my senses

And in the heat of the moment my mouth starts going

The words start flowing, oh

But I never meant to hurt you

I know it's time that I learnt to

Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved

This is a lesson learnt"

I know that when i was still in America that I was one of the wallflowers that was mean every once in a while. When I moved I went and apologized to everyone i had hurt after.

"-And I hate that I let you down

Yeah, I feel so bad about it

I guess karma comes back around

'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah"

Alyssa deserves better then what's happened to her. Car crash when she was little, me abandoning her and Nina, having to live in a Orphanage.

"-And I hate that I made you think

That the trust we had is broken

Don't tell me you can't forgive me

'Cause nobody's perfect

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's perfect, n-" I look at my alarm and my eyes widen when I see it's 6:27. Hurrying I get out, get dressed, and do all my morning stuff before running and arriving in the kitchen with different clothes since mine were dirty. A dark blue long sleeve top with lace around the shoulder, my usual shorts, brown anckle boots with a blue (matching the top) and dark green striped white infinity scarf.

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now