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 2 days later

"Kit-kat wake up" I open my eyes to see Nina and Gwen in front of where I'm laying curled up against the seat. 

"Morning guys" I moan and stretch.

"Morning Kaitlin"

"kit-kat, Noah come on we're doing a web-cam in first class, remember?" My sister pulls me up and to 1st class. and we all pile on the couch, me basicly halfway on Noah's lap as Cody hooked the cam up then sat on the floor at Nina's feet who was beside me.

"Okay we're on." Cody moved away as she spoke.

"Hello everyone!" I look to see Gidgette pop up on the screen. "Hey Bridgette hope your're okay with talking now"

"and you woke me up at the crack of dawn" I yawn and glare at her.

"Kaitlin it's noon not the crack of dawn. besides why am I in this" Noah rolls his eyes.

"to keep her-" points to me "awake and to not kill them" motions towards the door.

"Okay, seems like a good idea" He nods as I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Anyway we have to keep quiet before they're noticed" Gwen motions to us.

Bridgette nods "So let's take some questions.  Annabell from New York asks. 'have Noah and Lillie kissed yet?"

I see both myself and Noah (slightly) blush and nod yes.

"when?" Blain-bioach asks.

 when we did." I smart-mouth back, glaring at Blain-bioach.

"Why did you break up?" Blain-bioach presses on with questions.

"Ah that's none of your business only thier's" Nina stands up for us

"I'm leaving" 

"No your not." Blain-bioach smirks, stopping me in my tracks. "Your contract states otherwise. You have to preform a song for us later, so go get ready. Look pretty if you can." She smiles at me and I fip her the bird before leaving. I stomp out and run into Heather.

"Watch where you're going freak!" Okay, I know who would make a perfect family;Chris as the dad, Blain-bioach the  mom, and Heather their bipolar child, nice to me one second nasty the next. Perfect evil family. Noah follows me nd i rummage through my suitcase and pick out a dress and shoes before leaving.

Just to make the devil i call ud mad, I wear a short blue dress that he hates me wearing.

"Your directions" An intern pushes some papers in my hand, which I immediately throw away, and leaves. Relising my shoes are in economy class, i look towards the doorway and see Noah, who has my shoes in his hand.

"you forgot something." He says handing me my shoes.

"Thanks." I sit down,sighing, and put on my shoes.

"what songs are you singing" noah asks, trying to lighten the mood. 

"I don't know. Maybe do a cover of Happy Ever After, Another you, and one of my other songs" i reply as i check my makeup and fix my curly hair. Checking the time I sigh, time to go preform.

Noah notices also and nods to the door. "Come on, lets go."

 "Yeah if I'm any later I'll be yelled at." i walk out the door, Noah following, and walk to first class which has been turned into a set for me to use.

"your on in 10" Cody informs me. I ignore this, grabbing my guitar and dragging Nina out with me.

"in 5, 4, 3, 2,1!" 

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now