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Midnight. The one time I wish wouldn't come because it decides everything that will happen for me and Noah. It's driving me crazy! I can't wait for it to come on one hand but on the other I wish it wouldn't come. I sneak to the confessional. 

"Noah? You are here?" Slowly and cautiously, I open the door and see no one at all in the confessional. "Hm 12 O'clock exactly Noah is usually never late. I'll wait five more minutes then I'm leaving." 12:19, well he's not coming.First class is quiet when I sneak in and fall back to sleep. Guess we're done. 


No one's POV:

"oh man,1st class rocks!" Tyler cheers as he eats actual oatmeal.

"Today we eat the breakfast of champions!" His Latin teammate happily eats oatmeal.

"I love it here!"  Nina tells agrees from the seat across from Tyler, before addressing her masseuse "A little harder."

"ohh yeah huh ohh that's the spot." Izzy moans in pleasure from her massage before glancing over at her tied up, snoring boyfriend on the couch. "Awe look at big O. His fear of flying is so adorable" She gushes and he falls of the couch revealing a crumpled Noah.

"Oh, finally! Thanks for not noticing I was missing all night. What am I, Tyler?" ("Hey!")The cynical teen glares  raising his head before remembering something.  "I was suppose to meet Lillie! Dang it! Where is she?"

"She's still asleep" Tyler points to the small girl who was curled up on a seat facing the window, An IPod clutched in one hand and the other under a small pillow, her face stained by her makeup she forgot to take off. They all couldn't help but noticed she looked younger, innocent, and more vulnerable while she slept. Overtly, the bags under her eyes were darker than normal meaning she was back to having less sleep. 

"She's having more nightmares." Nina solemnly noted.

"What do you mean she didn't have one the past couple nights. We would have heard." Tyler asked, confused.

"Not all of her nightmares have her end up screaming. She had one almost everyday any more" The Brunette-haired twin explains as they hear a scream.

"Ahh! No! NO! NO!! Mom, Wake up! Please I'm sorry." The small teen begged, waking up Owen. 

"I'll get DJ, she probably doesn't want to see me right now." Noah leaves and comes back with DJ in a couple minutes.

Lillie's POV:

"Lillie, baby girl wake up" I open my eyes to see a concerned DJ kneeling in front of me.

"Devie." I manage to choke out before crying. Devie takes my hand and leads me outside the door and hugs me, letting me cry into his chest. 

"What was your nightmare about?" Devie asks in a low voice so everyone else won't hear.

"My mom was saying I'm a big d-disgrace t-to the f-f-family and then i saw her DJ! In the car wreak! My whole life is falling apart in general Noah broke up with me because of something I didn't do, Nina hates me for the same reason, Lyssie is gone after I just got her back, and I'm always told I'm not good enough and bullied even now!" I let it all out and cry because  Devie rocks me back and forth until I stop about 20 minutes later.

"Sorry I ruined your shirt. I'll buy you a new one." I tell Devie as I pull out a tissue, wiping my eyes and notice my eyeliner smeared on his shirt.

"No, you don't have to. i have other shirts now go get ready, baby girl." Devie kisses my hair and pushes me towards the door.

Putting my neutral face on, i push open the door, grab my clothes, and go in the 1st class bathroom. Another day of pretending I'm okay, great.

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now