How this started part 1

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I nervously run my fingers though my waist-length, wavy, red hair and fingered the hem of my long dark blue jacket. (I've stopped dying my hair since CIT joined TDA.) AN arm wraps around my waist and pulls me along. "Hey Lils!" my wonderful boy friend of 10 1\2 months today, Noah, kisses my cheek causing me to blush. "You blush so easy" He smiles at me as we walk to the limo togather. I laugh, while my face flushes a deeper red and playfully smack his arm. Which wasn't a good idea cuz he grabbed it and twirled me, messing up my hair.

"Noah it toke me ten minutes to get my hair this way!" I whine to him. As we get in and Noah turns on the TV. Celebrity Manhunt comes on talking about DJ and Mama. Before Blainley (uggh bioach alert) changs to ranting about how it's not cool that Loah (sorry about the sucky ship name) have been camera shy. Josh tells her about how a fan caught a picture of him with a mystery woman. The blurry picture shows him dancing with a red-head girl wearing a white T-shirt and jeans with her back to the camera, I.E ME! when we went to a Gaming convention. But I have not let anyone other than my family, Chris's people, and friends so they don't know. I scoff and turned off the TV before I loose my shorter than noral temper. Nina and Alyssa are lucky that they don't have to go.

"We're here miss. Hart" our chefer helps me out of the limo. I thank him before saying bye to Noah, who arrives after me. Chris is making me and Morgan ride in a limo with him and Chef. Me and Morgan think that they are secretly gay, I mean, come on he asked Chef to rent a hotel room in TDA. (this information scars me.)

"Why are you late" A harsh voice demands as we race away at atleast 90 mph. Speak of the gay devil!

Morgan rolls her eyes and shows him her phone screen before pulling it back. "Dad she's on time!" I stick my tounge out at him before putting on Carry on by Olivia holt, one of my celeb friends, like I always do to remind me of Alyssa and Nina who need me.

My life is terrible with Chris and Chef. I can almost never come out of my room along with the others (but we, thankfully, have adjoining rooms so we can hang out with each other) and have to wear dresses all the time. Noah, Morgan, and my sisters are the only things I enjoy,but I almost never see him. Many times I've considered running away but Noah's talked me out of it. During the first part of actoin Chris sent me, Nina, and Lyssie to live with our cousin in Newfoundland for a month.

The car stops suddenly as Chris gets out with Chef, complianing."Dude! Where did you learn to drive? NASCAR?" I cross my arms while rolling my eyes at him and stay in the limo with Morgan.

"Suck it up you big baby!" Chef yells.

"Again 10 bucks they're gay and Chef asked him out." Morgan bets me.

" we all know that, 20 bucks Your dad asked him out!" We shake hands.

 "Are they still in there?" Chris asks sighing. Morgan walks out with her arms crossed while I continue to sit in there."and here's Morgan!" After a minute Chef reaches in and pulls me out of the limo. I cover my face as Blain-bioach asks who I am.

"No! I wanna wait in the limo! or better yet, at home!" i complain as chef lets go of me. I brush my hair out of my face as Blain-bioach and Chris sign off for commercail. We come back and Josh and half of the people there faint at my apperance while Blain-bioach speaks. "what happened to your hair?"

"I stopped dying it brown and let it grow out oh yeah and that picture was me and Noah. Now I'm leaving." I get on my phone and text Noah, Morgan llooking over my shoulder. She laughs at my text to Noah, which was: HELP ME!!!!!!!! I'M STUCK HERE WITH CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!

It takes her a minute before she realizes what I texted. "hey! I get that about them but me?" she shouts to me gaining the other's attention.

"I meant them-" I point to everyone else "-but since you included yourself, you too!" She glares at me while I smirk at her.

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