1st challenge: Eygpt

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"Ohh, look team colors!" Izzy points to her teams red mat. My team's is blue.

"Why is our mat yellow we're no cowards" Harold says before Shawna reassures him it's not.

Courtney starts complaining about Duncan being out to Heather and Gwen, which is driving me insane  and try to relax. Noah gives me a sympathetic smirk before squeezing my hand.

"Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated but I think that either you and Owen have a shot of being fav TD couple on my fansite or maybe Lillie and Noah since they love the though of Chris' niece with Noah" Sierra says

"did you know that Cody use to sleep with a stuffed emu til he was..okay he still does"

"Okay Sierra How do you know that?" i inch closer to Noah and lay down my head on his shoulder.

"I called his aunt once and pretended I was a tell marketer" Sierra half-whispers to us.

"ohh, stalkerlisous" Noah remarks, causing me to softly giggle as a gong rang startling me. He smirks at me real quick.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm loving Egypt" Chris starts talking while eating grapes. "and I'm gonna love it even more watching you guys do your second challenge. The amazing camel race"

"where are the other camels?" Harold looks around.

"there are no other camels this is a camel race not a camels race" he explains smirking

"Yes!" "what!" "mhaa" Heather Alejandro and the goat speak up.

"We won last time and they" Leshawna, who looks about to attack, motions to Amazon "get a camel" she points to me "they get a goat, and we get a stick!" she fumes.

"each reward has it's rewards, trust me." Ud assures her.

"they so don't" I roll my eyes as Nina, Noah, and all my friends that heard snicker.

Ud tells us that we're racing to the Nile (what a joy possibly getting lost in the desert and dying), where the finish line is, with our rewards then gives us a minute to strategies.

Cody was hitting on Gwen... and failing, badly. He mentioned that he's available, terrible move in front of Heather.

"Hear that?" Heather asked "It's the sound of girls all over the world running and rushing to ... shut their doors!"

"Like boys would want her" Nina and I say together making our team but Al laugh as she scolds us. Hey he's my friend mess with my friends get messed with from me.

Alejandro starts a 'team' pep talk. "we don't need a camel, we have each other." you know the usual pep talk that I zoned out until everyone cheers but Sierra. 

Alejandro has Tyler and Noah get on the goat. "up up!" he sends Sierra on Noah's and bro on Tyler's shoulder's.

Owen started to praise Alejandro before Noah voices his thoughts. "Yeah this is gonna work"

"Yeah it so is" I agree with my boyfriend's sarcastic answer.

"Have faith, Noah and Lillie believe in us" He scolds us before instructing Noah to hold me, Tyler has Nina, and flipping up on top. We sway at first but stop. 

"cool we're perfectly balanced"

"Hello there" I smirk at my boyfriend.

"Hello" he smirks back

"Right, Niles that way! Kind big, blue, and watery. Can't miss it... well I guess you can but you'll die. Probably get killed by the local scarab beetles, its mating season and they get all killy when they're in a heap" 

"he's probably gonna release some" Nina sighs knowing my uncle

 "Glad they aren't any here" 

"she just jinxed us" I sigh as, of course, Ud tips some over. He wants to kill us.

Ud smirks as the music bell rings, cuing another song. " Time for a song! think of this as a mini challenge. music soothes the mate seeking scarabs so make up a good one and maybe they won't kill ya or get disqualified." That's nice?,

(she sings with in the chorus)

We manage to get away from the angry scarab and arrive at the Nile first. 

"There's the finish line."

"Yeah, On the other side!"

Ud starts talking on the other side but we can't hear him.

"has Ud gone blind? yes!"

"Whaaattt? Speak up!" Owen yells before turning and asking us "Did you guys get any of that?"

Chris gets a megaphone and yells through it. it's so powerful that I'm blown back into Noah. "I SAID WELCOME TO YOUR THIRD AND FINAL CHALLENGE"

"okay who the heck gave him the megaphone" I glare at the intern that raises his hand and calmly say. "run" He starts running as Noah holds me back, even though the intern is on the other side of the Nile.

We get started on our boat and team Amazon comes, Heather complaining as usual.

"How is this possible?!" I groan and lay my head on Noah's shoulder.

"It's easy, now pay attention" he laughs

"Yes bookworm, I'll use your terrible example." I stick my tongue out.

 "no it's not!" is his ingenius reply.

"Wow what a terrible comeback, and people think you're smarter"

"Shut up!" He glares before having Nina hit both of us.

 "Look!" We look over to see Heather talking to Sierra about switching her and Izzy. Yes, please! I don't want a stalker on my team that might watch me sleep. No thank you.

They call in Ud and he lets them switch then something unhuman happens Sierra speed weaves they're boat in 2 seconds! How..?

I start weaving again until I hear CIT tell Izzy to get Rudy in their boat. No.

"Hey Izzy's on our team not your's" I remind Heather as I cover Izzy's mouth.

"Not a word" Bookworm instructs her as she nods and licks my hand, uck. But I wipe it off on Nina and Noah.

"fine we'll do it ourselfs" CIT relents as Cody starts running around with.. is that camel poop on his face?

We finish the boat and I set on Noah's lap since the was no room and row wed.

Alejandro stopped the boat. "We're gonna win fair and square. and so you believe it, Izzy talk to the camel."  What? No!

"Yeah okay" she starts making constipated noises and the camel prances in their boat as we row away. What the heck?

All the sudden I hear the.. music bell? "Time for a musical rephrase."

"Seriously?!" I exclaim as everyone else 'awed'.

"Hey if you would of finished it the 1st time, Then you wouldn't be here now. Zeke. So get singing!"

(Lillie and Nina sing in the chorus)

We lost! Man, now we're stuck in economy class.

"oh come on!"

I sigh and lay down on the bench. Bookworm picks up my head and sits down and moves me so my head's in his lap.

"better?" He questions as he opens his book and looks at me.

"much, good night bookworm, Nina, and friends" I close my eyes not even changing into my pjs. This game is exhausting! Why am i still here?

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now