Welcome to Japan, now fall out of the plane.

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"Ah! we're all going to die!"

"maple o for the 437th time you are not going to die" I lean my head on Noah's shoulder and rub my forehead in an attempt to get ride of my headache. "I'm gonna go some headache pills" I hug Noah before walking out of economy class.

"Yeah don't sweat-" I hear bookworm agreeing as I walk out and past Nina, who was in the confessional.

"Hey nina can you help me get some headache medicine?"

"As long as I be the distraction." My twin grins mischievously before running off to make sure Chef wasn't around while I sneak to the infirmary I make sure no one's around, pick the lock, and snatch two headache pills and take them before locking the medicine back up. Walking back towards economy class, i meet back up with Nina and we walk back to economy class together.

Nina opens the door and "AH!" i'm swept off my feet and almost sucked out a hole in the plane wall until. "Lillie!" i feel someone grab my arm and I'm flung on a familiar chest of Noah. He grabs me as i wrap my arms and legs around him until maple O blocks the hole.

"Kaitlin are you okay?" Noah walks out of economy class, me still wrapped around him, to the confessional and sits me down on the toilet seat. I just shake my head and he turns around the camera since it's a personal moment. I hold out my arms and he pulls me up and sits down with me on his lap. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I let a single tear out. Noah starts saying sarcastic comments to calm me down.

"This is your captain speaking its time for everyone to head over and join me in the common area. and I mean everyone."

"Thanks" i look at Noah. "for everything"  He shrugs and wipes my tears away before we meet up with everyone, me still a little shaky.

"Lillie, what happened?" Bridgette is at my side with the girls behind her.instantly. i shake my head and pull Noah to sit down.

"I'll tell you later." She nods and sits with her team as Ud is already there.

"Today's challenge it's" Ud starts explaining.

"Is it a reward or elimination challenge?"

"Good question Harold and like I'm gonna tell you!"

"Who peeded in his eggs and bacon?" Nina asks

"Two of us got booted last time this has reward written all over it" Tyler reassures us.

"Ohh I can use a reward. I hope it's candy.. or a whole bunch of shoes! Or shoes made of candy!"

"I hope you all brought your radioactive monster repellent because we are about to land in Japan!" Chef walks out in a Chinese kimoa(?) with a sword between his teeth.

"Gosh that's obviously a Chinese outfit." Wow Harold like we really care.

"thank you Harold now remember anyone who doesn't sing..."

"it's just you really think that you would work harder" Harold continues to rant.

"Harold!" Chris scolds before continuing "now anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified.."

"Your cultural insensitivity is just gosh!"

"If he says 'gosh' one more time." i mutter rubbing my forehead. 

Chef and Chris share and evil look. This can't be good. Chef runs over to the door and cuts it in four pieces.

"Ah!" again i'm sucked out of the plane but this time Noah doesn't save me because he's sucked out to. noah grabs my hand and pulls me over to him as the music bell rings.

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now