What happened to them

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~This takes place in between Greece's pieces and The Ex-files. Chris has a trivia challenge on all things TD and team Chris is really really really really hot loses because of Tyler.~

"Lets see one vote for Alejandro and one vote for Lillie." Uncle dearest reads off the first two votes of the night. I glare at Al, who glares back at me in return. No one has changed out of our trivia wear (fancy clothes), not even me who got stuck wearing a red dress with my hair up so that only little blue showed

"Another vote for Lillie. Wow, she didn't even lose you the game and you're voting for her. Al you have yet another vote and the tie breaker vote is for today's loser." He takes a dramatic pause before saying the unthinkable. "Lillie!"

 "You sniveling little snake!" I stand up and with a burst of adrenaline, run over to kick Al in the shins. Al quickly moves behind Tyler as Chef holds me back with Owen. "You need to meet a friend of mine called karma, cause you're playing with fire and one day you're gonna get burned. Hopefully sometime soon it will happen." 

"And you haven't." He growls whispering so the rest of the team couldn't hear it too well.

"Parachute on!" My uncle shoves one into my hands as Owen hugs me tightly, sobbing about how he's going to miss me.

"I'm going to miss you too. Now keep away from liars and cheaters." I say looking straight at Al making sure everyone was watching. Owen let go and I put on my parachute, shaking at the thought of jumping out. Ground disappears out from under my feet as Chef pushes me out, I freeze in fear as I fall landing in Hollywood bellow at an alarming rate. I unfreeze and pull my shoot out still scared as I land on the empty beach. 

What do I do now? Is the first thing I think of. Maybe I should find my luggage?

As if it heard my thoughts a crate is hurled down landing 10 feet from me. Well now what do I do? Wait a minute why did I even have to think about it? I need to see if I can get picked up.

I pull  out my phone and walk around until I have a signal but I never get to call as a limo drives up to me and the door opens to show Noah sitting in it with my sister. 

"Ready to go?" At first part of me wants to smile at him and get in beside him like nothing happened but I know that things won't be the same and it'll just be awkward.

"I- I just can't." I let go of my suitcases handles and back up until I can't help but run away back to the beach again.

"Lil's." I hear him sigh and footsteps thud on the pavement behind me but I don't stop I continue to run away, not stopping until I make a sharp turn onto the beach and move over to the shore, panting.

I can no longer hear Noah behind me so I just sit in the sand with my legs pulled up loosely to my chest with my arms crossed around them, resting my head in the little space in between my arms. My mind goes back to how we use to be and half of me wants to see what happens but the other half is scolding it and reminding me about how he broke up with me when I needed people the most. A whirlwind of song lyrics drifts into my mind that relate to my situation. (I couldn't find one that I thought would fit so if you have a better song then listen to that. This is my sucky song that came to me but I decided to use. Also since my friends keep trying to do a group call when I'm writing) 

To try and calm myself down I softly sing a song, the lyrics came pouring out of me. Not one of the songs that someone else made but one of mine. With each line more tears ran down my face but I calm down all the same as I spill everything I've been holding in out.

"Our story begins a year ago                                                                                                                                                 with a quiet daydreamer and a sarcastic bookworm                                                                                              meet on a show and went with the flow of things

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now