German dancing is not my style

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~~to give you some more info Lillie lived in Ohio until she was 5 then moved to Canada~~

Sunshine warms my face and hair as i sit on a picnic blanket a tiger lily in my hair and a white and blue sundress on with my matching sandals.  Noticing my surroundings, It's in the little park back home in Ohio.

"Huh, what time is it?"

"it's one in the afternoon sweetheart" I turn to see a pretty women in her late 50s with long red hair similar to mine, Nina and mine's green eyes, and a soft smile on her plump red lips.

"Mom!" i breathe and launch myself at her.

"Oh Katy, I miss you and your sisters so much hunny." she places a light kiss on the top of my head.

"Mom I miss you too why did you have to leave us" I half whimper.

"listen hunny. I'm so proud of you sweetie don't forget that.i don't have much time to talk but trust your friends and that boyfriend of yours. Tough times are coming up so be prepared. " My mother warns me, pain in her eyes before the pain fades and a sly look appears. "oh and sweetie, nice choice I approve. " I go to roll my eyes but instead wake up to someone shaking me.

"jeez someone's out." i hear Nina complain before I feel something cold hit my face and go all over my hair. I go to jump but roll over instead to annoy her and pretend I'm still asleep. "She's still asleep!" Nina says in disbelief as Noah and DJ laugh at her then my music is paused. I pretend to wake up and open my eyes  to see everyone looking at me. I feel water trail down my face and wipe it away.

"Why are you all looking at me and why is there water all over me?" I raise an eyebrow as Nina cries out in frustration.

"You just have to pause her music, seriously!" I give her a weird look and sigh at my fully shoaked thick hair, it's gonna take forever to dry.


DJ is complaining about his 'curse' before Leshawna tells him the more he believes it the more power it has over you. 

"I never really thought of it like that" he admits.

"6 days and no elimination if we were a steak we'd be a 32 oz quarter house and you guys would be a tiny piece of bologna." he taunts? Team not-so-victory glares at him as I elbow him to shut him up.

"May i remind you we lost the last challenge" Al reminds.

"No no you may not" I reply and glare as Owen starts talking to.

"but with you as our leader anything is possible. I'm not even afraid of heights anymore! Check this out." to prove his point he unbuckle and started ballet dancing. Something bad is gonna happen.

Right on cue, we run into turbulence and the hole reopens. Great. Owen is almost sucked out and yells for Al to help him but Team NSV saves him instead and slides a crate in front. The rest of my team and i fall with an 'ompf', me hitting my head in the process. I hear Devie start to scream at a bird to get away and cringe at his screaming. i now have a small headache but ignore it. We fly in quiet until an hour later when Noah walks up to the door. "Are those the Alps?"

I get up and walk over to see snow covered mountains. "We are." My eyes widen as I stare out the window. 

"Wha-o my dinner shnitez! in preparation for landing please unfasten your seat-belts and head to the cargo hold" We head over and meet up with team amazon in the cargo hold where we are unceremoniously dropped down and land in freezing snow some more falling on my head after I sit up, panting from all my screaming. 

 I hear my uncle greet us and welcome us to Germany (I have German in me and was taught some). ""We're in avalanche territory-" he relly wants us dead "So you might wanna keep it down"

Here we go again (Dj's little sister book 2)Where stories live. Discover now