5- I Liked It

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He looks up at me, picking himself up off my chest in shock. He looks at me like I just stabbed him. "What?" He was fully sitting up now. I sit up with him covering my chest with my sheet.

"I don't do relationships Rafe. Yea it was good but we're not doing it again." As smirk appears on his face as he shakes his head. "Okay." He says his smirk now dropping from his face, he now looked serious.

"I'll win you over Vienna. Baby steps. Just like last night." He gets out of my bed and starts to get dressed, leaving me sitting there with my mouth slightly open in shock. "Last night I was drunk."

"But you weren't when you were begging me to fuck you this morning." He states simply as he pulls his shoes on, now fully dressed. He was right and I didn't want to admit it, so I didn't respond.

"You have my number, feel free to use it whenever you want. And i better see you at mid summers tomorrow." He winks at me before he opens my bedroom door and walks out.

What the actual fuck just happened. He was so sweet, then dirty, then he was sweet again and then straight up cocky. He talked as if I was his possession. And the worst part is, I liked it.

Fuck me, I'm thinking about him still land he left 20 minutes ago. I got into the shower trying to wash it away but no, the thoughts about him are stronger now. Maybe it can be more than just one night?

Maybe we can be friends with benefits. But nothing more. We were already friends. We constantly hung out, that's why it was so hard for me to resist him.

Topper, Sarah, Rafe and I all hung out together. Kelce too sometimes but rarely. He was a fifth wheel cuz nobody really liked him. He was definitely someone who'd be violent towards women.

Sure Top and Rafe were violent and beat the pogues but they'd never hit a women. Ever. It went without saying for them. Sarah and I were close.

I spent the night at her house at-least three times a week. Another reason why I'm surprised I didn't cave sooner than I did. Fuck now I have to explain to her that I fucked her brother. We had no secrets with each other so I had to tell her.

I'll go over there after my shower and talk to her. Hopefully Rafe isn't home. Atleast that's what my brain thought but tell me why part of me actually wanted him to be there. Part of me wanted to see him. But no I couldn't.

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