6- Almost

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I just pulled up to the Cameron Estate, Rafe's truck was there. Which meant I was going to see him and I did want to but I also didn't. I'd rather see him after I told Sarah that I slept with him.

I walk in and he is the first person I see. Nobody else is in sight. I try to go straight for the stairs but he steps in front of me. "Ouch baby. Do I not get a hello?" He acts offended.

"Hello Rafe. Now will you let me by I'm going to see Sarah. And stop calling me baby." He doesn't move and he smiles. "But you like it when I call you baby."

"No I don't." Yes I do. "Yes you do." Fuck. "You may have resting bitch face to act like you don't like it but I can see it in those pretty green eyes of yours baby."

"Rafe stop harassing her." Sarah calls from the stairs. "Shut the fuck up Sarah. Mind your business. I'm not bothering her." Sarah scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. I hate when they fight.

Mostly because Sarah starts it. Rafe is aggressive when he argues and does tend to get carried away, but Sarah likes to instigate. "I'm fine Sarah I'll be up in a sec." She rolls her eyes and starts back up the stairs. "Whatever."

"Rafe you didn't have to be so aggressive, you know that right?" He smiles at me and brushes his hand up and down my side as he leans closer his lips hovering over mine. "Do you want me to be nicer to my sister from now on baby?"

"Yes I do. I hate it when you two fight." I whisper back, not realizing how much it sounded like I cared. I mean I do, because they're both my friends, but I don't care just because of Rafe.

"You responded to me calling you baby." He smiles, our lips still close and his eyes meeting mine before flicker down to my lips then back up. "Shut up Rafe."

"Make me." He moves his lips closer to mine but before he can close the space I back away. "I'm going to talk to Sarah. See you at mids." I say as if I wasn't about to give in and kiss him again.

I walk upstairs to Sarah's bedroom and she's sitting on the bed. I close the door and lean against it, relieved I stopped myself when I did. "Fuck that was close." I talk to myself.

Sarah hadn't even noticed I came into the room yet, she was on the phone with someone and when I spoke she quickly hung up before looking at me.

"What was that about?" She asks before I could even say hi. "What do you mean?" I don't know what she's talking about, it's either about Rafe being so close to me downstairs or me walking into the room while she was on the phone, or it could be something I didn't even know I did wrong. Shit happens.

"Are you fucking my brother?"

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