10- A Chance

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After, JJ and I just kind of laid there for a few minutes. I guess we were both trying to soak in what we just did. I ended up getting up and getting dressed. JJ did too. We both knew I wasn't going to spend the night.

He spent the night at my house a few times, we would watch movies or just hang out or drink and pass out. Or it was when things with his dad got really bad and he wanted out for just a night.

I got up and left and he passed out by the time I was out the door. I walked back to my house-mansion- but I didn't mind. The walk helped sober me up and my car was at the Cameron's house anyway. I'd get it sometime tomorrow. And the walk from JJ's to my place isn't that far.

When I got there I planned on just showering and going to sleep. But as I started walking into view of my house, I knew I wouldn't be able to do that.

Rafe was in front of my house is tiring on his dirt bike. It was shut off and it looked like he'd been waiting there for a while. He was waiting for me.

When I got close enough he walked the rest of the way over to me and pulled me in his arms. "Where were you?" His voice was calm which shocked me.

I thought he'd be seething. He gave me a tight squeeze before letting go and keeping his hands on my cheeks, his eyes searching my entire body for any indication I had been harmed or something.

His eyes lingered to my neck, to the hickeys I definitely had there from JJ, then back to my eyes. He tightened his jaw, he was furious, but he stayed calm. Somehow. Apparently he's sobered up too because there wasn't a hint of alcohol on him.

"Minding my own business." After I said it I realized it was probably a bitch move but it was also true. And I'm still trying to prevent what's happening between us. I'm just not ready for it. That was the whole point of me being with JJ tonight.

"Yea? Who were you minding your own business with? Maybank? I saw you leave with him. What did he do huh? Do I need to kick his ass?"

"No Rafe. You don't. I wanted to. He didn't do anything other than what I asked him to. If I see you anywhere near JJ, if I see even a scratch on him, I will never speak to you again."

He seemed to back off at that. At least about kicking his ass. His line of question wasn't over. "You're freezing. Get in the house. Let's go."

We both walked into my house up to my room. I said fuck it to the shower, I'll just take it in the morning. I changed into a sweatshirt and he just sat on my bed waiting for me to finish. When I did I sat down next to him. "Did you do this to piss me off?"

"No. I did it because I can't stop thinking about you and I wanted to forget. Even it was just for 20 minutes." He looked away from me down to his lap. He genuinely seemed hurt by this and I didn't understand why.

Yea he's been asking me out for the past year and a half but I didn't know he actually liked me. I figured it was just him trying to get into my pants and really commuting to it or if it was just the thrill of the chase. But he seemed to really care.

"You know all I want to do is beat his ass for even looking at you, let alone fucking you. But I'm not going to because you asked me not to. But if you do it again, I'm not making any promises."

"He didn't fuck me Rafe." He looked back up at me confused. "Then what?..." he thinks for a minute and then realizes. "So I tell you what I wanted to do to you and you decided to go do it with someone else?"

Why was he so upset. It wasn't that serious. It's not like I'd do it again. And he's not my boyfriend. He's my friend. He's a guy I slept with. A guy I lost my virginity to. "What is wrong with you? It isn't that serious Rafe. It was 20 minutes and we're not together. I'm not your girlfriend."

"But I want you to be. That's what's wrong. You said you did it to forget about me but you did exactly what I told you I wanted to do to you. That doesn't seem a little fucked to you?" I don't answer.

Now that I think about it, it was kind of fucked. "I'm going home. Are you going to be okay tonight?" Fuck. I really did hurt him with that, and I didn't mean to. "Don't leave. Please. I'm sorry. Just stay with me. Please?"

"I hate the amount of control you have over me." He says as he gets undressed and ticks himself into my bed with me. He wraps his arms around me, my back facing his chest. He kisses my temple.

"Give me a chance Vienna. I promise I won't hurt you. I hate the thought of you with someone else. Give me a chance baby. Please?"


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