14- Phone Call

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I wake up the next morning to Rafe's phone ringing. "Rafe." I shake him softly trying to wake him up. "Babe your phones ringing."

He doesn't wake up. He's such a sound sleeper. Unless I'm getting out of bed, then he wakes up to drag me back in. I slip out of his arms and grab his phone. "Hello?"

"Hey V. Why do you have Rafe's phone? Where is he?" It was Ward. "He's sleeping, he's been staying with me. What's wrong?"

"He needs to get his ass back home. There's a guy here for him. He needs to stop hiding out with you and get his hair together. You tell him that."

"Ward. There's no need for that. I'll tell him someone is there for him and we'll be over soon but he tries his hardest. And you're too hard on him."

Before he can answer I hang up. And since I climbed out of bed Rafe woke up. "Hey baby. Who was that?" He sees that it's his phone and looks more confused.

"It was your dad. Sorry you were sleeping I didn't know who it was I just answered. He said some guy is at your house for you."

"W-what was the guys name?" He looks scared. I go to lay back down with him but just as I start to he sits up making me sit up with him.

"He didn't say. Can we just lay here for another minute? I need a sec before getting back up. Your dad already pissed me off and it's not even 9am."

"We need to go Vienna. We can lay down later." He gets out of bed and rushes to get dressed. This wasn't like him. He didn't even give me a goodmorning kiss.

I know I sound like a crybaby when I say that, but it's fine if he doesn't give me a good morning kiss. It's just out of character for him.

Despite not being together that long, he's gotten into a routine with me pretty fast. And he took every chance he got to lay with me for five more seconds or give me kisses.

"What's wrong Rafe? Who do you think is at the house?" He doesn't answer. He keeps getting ready. Ignoring me. "Rafe." Still ignoring me.

I grab his face in my hands and force him to look at me. "Rafe we're not leaving until you talk to me. Now sit down. And talk."

He does what I say. He sits down on the bed and I sit with him. He looks down at his lap and I grab his hand in mind. "What is it baby? Talk to me."

He looks up at me when I call him baby. I haven't called him that before. I called him babe this morning but he was asleep. A small smile appeared on his lips and he pressed his to mine softly.

He pulls away and looks at me selfishly. Squeezing my hand tightly. "I want just a dealer Vienna. I- I do drugs too. It takes the edge off and I've been trying to stop but I can't. It's so hard and I owe him."

I knew he's done drugs but I didn't know he was addicted. "I owe him so much money because I didn't pay him. I kept saying next time and he thought I was good for it, but I'm not."

"How much?" I have a fuck ton of money and I wanted to get him out of this mess. "No baby you can't. This is my mess I have to clean it up."

"I will pay him off to get him off your back. And if you feel the need to pay me back, then that's fine, if you can't, that's fine too. I have all this money I don't need Rafe. Let me help you, I don't want anything happening to you."

He has tears in his eyes now as he kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around me. "I hate this. I hate that you have to see this, you have to deal with this."

"You're trying to get better. That's all that matters. I'm here. You always have me."

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