11- Interesting

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"Give me a chance Vienna. I promise I won't hurt you. I hate the thought of you with someone else. Give me a chance baby. Please?"

"Okay..." I whisper. I turn over to face him. When I look into his eyes I see a certain light in them I've never seen before. I can't help but smile. "So you're gonna let me take you on a date?"

He smiles as he says it. Like he can't wait. And he can't. He's genuinely so excited, I didn't know he actually liked me like this and now that i'm seeing it up close, first hand, and I see how he acts towards me, I'm not as scared as I was before. "Okay. But promise me something else too?"

"What is it pretty girl?" He asks as he moves a piece of hair out of my face, behind my ear. "We have to go slow. I know we already had sex but, one day at a time. This is a lot for me. You're going to be my first for almost everything. That's a lot Rafe."

"I know it is. And I promise we can go slow. You know you're gonna be a lot of my firsts too. We'll take the steps together." I nod my head and rest it on his shoulder, still looking up at him.

"Sarah told me about your parents before you ever did. I know why you're so scared of this. And I know I get a temper but I could never ever hurt you. You know that." I kiss his jaw and run my fingers over his chest. "I know."

I lay my head down on his chest and yawn, getting tired after the long day I had. It was now around 4 in the morning. I was exhausted. "You tried baby?" Baby. "Mhm." I hum and yawn again. "Get some sleep pretty girl." I nod and snuggle closer to his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist, one of his arms wrapped around me.

The other lifts my chin up so I open my eyes to meet him again. I was so tired and he just told me to go to bed, what is he doing? He must've seen the confusion on my face. "Kiss." He said before puckering his lips. I smile and give him a short passionate kiss before falling asleep in his arms.


"Baby wake up." Rafe whispers in my ear the next morning. He kisses my nose softly and I can help but smile. "Why? I'm still tired." I whine covering myself back up with the blanket.

"It's 1pm pretty girl. We have somewhere to be. Remember you were the one who promised Sarah you'd go to the country club with her Topper and i today." I groan and throw the covers off of my face.

"Why? Why did I do this to myself?" He chuckles and kisses me softly as he gets out of bed. "Because you knew I'd be there and didn't want to be away from me."

"You wish." I laugh and follow him out of bed, throwing on one of his T-shirts he'd left here and a pair of my leggings. "You know Topper said he saw Sarah kissing some guy last night." Rafe says nonchalantly as he finishes getting dressed.

I move to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and wash my face. "What? Who?" Who else would she be kissing. Last time I checked she was head over heels for Topper.

"I don't know, I was wondering if you knew." He walks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my shoulder.

"No. I wish I did. She's been so distant lately. She disappeared for hours a few days ago and now this. And she keeps hanging up her phone whenever I walk in the room, I just figured she was having phone sex with topper though."

His face turns from curiosity to disgust. "Ew Vienna. I didn't need to hear that." I chuckle and turn around. Kissing his lips while I still had toothpaste on my mouth. "You're nasty." He says while still kissing me. "You like it like that though."

"Mhm. How do you think this golfing is gonna go?" I roll my eyes and turn back around cleaning off my face. "It'll be interesting for sure. Her and Toper together after she was caught cheating..."

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