All Better

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Rafe and I get into his car and start driving towards his house. He's been quite since he told me who he thought was at the house and why.

I had cash in me, to give to the guy incase it was who he thought it was. It was a lot. Rafe owed him a lot of money. I didn't care about bailing him out. As long as I he really tried to get better.

When we pull up to his house, I can tell it's the guy he was worried about. His face drops and his grip on my hand tightens. The guy was looking at us already so I had to be subtle.

"Hey, baby look at me." He looks over at me and I can see the fear in his eyes. All I want to do is hold him but if this guy is as bad as Rafe says, he would get a kick out of me comforting Rafe.

"It's okay. You have the money. Just give it to him, tell him you're done. Tell him he doesn't have to worry about you anymore. You're clean. You're not dealing. You're okay. I'm here."

He nods and I guess he doesn't care about the guy watching us because he grabs my face in his hands and pulls my lips to his for a kiss. It's desperate but passionate. Quick. And then he opens his car door.

"Please stay in the car. Please." His eyes were pleading. And as much as I wanted to go with him, to protect him, I knew I couldn't. He didn't want me to.

He wanted to protect me. From whoever this was. So I stayed in the car. At least until the guy grabbed Rafe's arm and held it against the motor of Rafe's dirt bike. Then I lost my shit. I was out of the car.

"What the fuck!?" I yell running over to Rafe and helping him off the ground. "Ooh is this your bitch country club? How about I take her as payment instead? I think that'll settle it nicely."

Rafe goes to jump at the guy and I hold him back. "No!" I whisper tell to him. "Barry I gave you your money, get the fuck out of here!" Barry makes a tsktsk noise with his mouth.

"Interest country club. You owe me two more grand for how long you waited to pay me. And in the meantime I'm taking your dirt bike. And if I don't have the cash by tomorrow, I'll take your girl."

Rafe's jaw clenches, he's holding his wrist in pain. He doesn't know what to do. "Okay. I'll have it to you tomorrow." Barry gives me a smile and a wink before riding off on Rafe's dirt bike.

As soon as Barry is gone Rafe looses it. He clings to me. Wrapping his arms around me, pulling me as close as possible to him. Holding me tight. He sobs into me. I rub his back and hold him.

"Shhh. It's okay." I let him cry for another minute before I remember his arm. "Come here, let's go look at your arm." He pulls away and nods. His eyes red and puffy. He wipes the tears off his face.

I lead him inside to his bathroom and I turn on the water. I turn it on warm. Not hot, not cold. In between. And I have him hold his arm under it while I go get the first aid kit.

When I get back Rafe is sitting on the counter. I set the first aid kit next to him in the counter. I stand between his legs and take his arm in my hand.

"This is gonna hurt baby. I'm sorry." He winced as I spray it with disinfectant. "I'm sorry I'm sorry." I whine as I spray it one last time.

"It's okay. Just. Fuck. Hurry." I put aloe on his burn and wrap it. I grab his face in my hands and stand up on my toes, bring his head down to my lips, kissing his forehead softly. "All better."

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