Part 4: Kids in America

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Matt, Rose, and Kara lounge on her couch while Sofie runs in and out of her bedroom, changing outfits so fast she feels like she's spinning. She hops out into the hallway clad in a short maroon dress and a black blazer.

"I like it!" Rose exclaims. Kara nods, while Matt is fixated on the television.

"Matt?" Rose asks. "What do you think?"

"You don't wanna know what I think."

Kara swats him on the arm.

"Be a good friend, Matthew. Come on."

Matt turns his head and examines her for a moment. Sofie puts her hands on her hips, bracing herself for whatever stupid insult is about to fall out of his mouth.

"I think you look like... a classy hooker."

"Aaaaand there it is," Sofie mumbles, turning back to the bedroom.

"Matthew!" Rose shouts, grabbing a throw pillow and hitting him over the head with it. Kara joins him. "You are an awful, awful man!"

Matt laughs loudly trying to defend himself as best he can.

"Sofie!" He calls. "Sofie come back! I'm joking, you look great! SOFIE!"

She looks back to watch him being pelted by two angry women. She shrugs. He deserves it. She loves Matt, but he can definitely be an asshole sometimes. It might be part of the reason why she loves him so much. Their relationship used to be complicated, but it's smoothed out over the years. When they were sixteen, hormones began their assault on their friendship. They tried to date. It was confusing and weird, but it went well for about two weeks before Sofie began to feel like she was making out with her brother. Matt felt the same, but her feelings for him didn't dissipate. Matt moved on quickly, finding Rose, and Sofie strongly considered removing herself from his life entirely - but then he introduced her to Kevin at her eighteenth birthday party. That didn't last long either. He was controlling, keeping secrets, making her feel crazy - among other things he did to her that she'd like to forget. She hasn't heard from in three years, although sometimes, she swears she still sees him lingering outside of her apartment. But that could also be her paranoia. She has a tendency to get very attached very quickly, often to the wrong person - or so a therapist has told her.

"Go fuck yourself, Matty!" She yells, storming back into her bedroom.

She shimmies out of her dress and blazer and grabs a pair of black jeans and a black tank top, throwing the blazer on top of it. She looks over at the bed. Ichabod is curled in a ball, sleeping peacefully while she tosses clothes around the room like a maniac. Other than last night, this cat is bothered by absolutely nothing. When Sofie woke up this morning, Ichabod was his usual cuddly self, but he seemed a little more nervous, his head flitting around the room like he was looking for something. Over the course of the day, he managed to mellow out, especially after Sofie did laundry. She walks over and gives him a scratch on the head. Ichabod stretches his chubby little arms out and yawns. He purrs and paws at her cheek. Sofie melts and nuzzles against him.

"I love you too," she mumbles. "Are you gonna be cool tonight?"

He closes his eyes and falls back asleep. She gives him one last scratch behind the ears before she steps outside the bedroom for the umpteenth time and raises her arms.

"If anyone has anything to say about this," she focuses directly on Matt. "Say it now and then go fuck yourselves."

"I like it," Kara says.

"Me too."

Matt nods approvingly.

"I liked the dress more, though."

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