Part 26: immortals

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The screams and music from the boardwalk cover the sound of the Surf Nazi's pained yelps as Marko tears into his neck, snarling like a feral animal. Blood paints the brick wall behind him. Paul's got another dead one at his feet and he gleefully licks the blood from his fingers like a child. Sofie steps over the body and walks toward Marko. The Surf Nazi sees her and reaches out, his eyes terrified and pleading. She takes his hand and kisses up his wrist before sinking her fangs in. She grimaces at the taste of his blood. It seems like all this guy runs on is coffee, cheap beer, and pot, but after a few seconds, it doesn't matter anymore. The burning hunger inside of her guts calms and is replaced quickly by total euphoria. Paul was right. The more she hunted and the more she drank, the less guilty she feels about doing what she has to do to survive. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Marko dislodge his fangs from the man's neck, panting wildly. His face is still twisted and demonic and his eyes become fixated on her. As she drinks, he brushes her hair away from her face and licks a stripe up her neck. Sofie pulls away, letting the corpse fall to the ground with a hollow thud. He grabs her face and kisses her feverishly. Sofie growls and tugs on his bottom lip with her teeth, drawing blood. Marko gasps and deepens the kiss while Paul drags both of the bodies to the beach to dispose of them. Marko pulls back and grins.

"We gotta go, lovebirds," Paul announces, landing softly behind them. "Security's making the rounds."

Marko, Paul, and Sofie take off running and giggling before security spots the blood on the sides of the building. To anyone else, they look like three hooligans running from the cops. Sofie can't deny that the fact that they have all of this power coursing through them, and the fact that they have to keep it a secret is more than a little exciting. She's never done anything like this before. She was always a quiet, wound-up kid with a stomach full of anxiety and nothing to do with it other than to chew her nails down to the quicks. This power makes her feel like an entirely different person. She just hopes it doesn't change her too much.

They get to the liquor store and wander around while the cashier eyes them suspiciously. He's an older, portly man with a thick black mustache and dark, curly hair. Marko wanders off toward the back of the store while Sofie grabs a few packs of beer out of the fridge. Paul taps her on the shoulder. He's holding a bottle of whiskey that she doesn't recognize.

"Sof, put this in your bag," he whispers while looking over his shoulder.

She frowns.


"C'mon. It's not like we're killing the dude and taking the whole liquor store with us."

"Paul, I have money. I'll just buy it for you."

"Yeah, but that's not fun."

She sighs.

"Paul... it's not -"

"We just tore out two people's throats and you're gonna tell me that you draw the line at stealing?"

Sofie rolls her eyes and shoves the bottle into her purse. She would rather just give in than watch Paul have a temper tantrum. He smiles wide, leans in and gives her a gentle peck on the cheek before strolling out of the store with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Sofie feels Marko's arms wrap around her waist. He places a soft kiss on her neck and slips another bottle into her purse. She rolls her eyes.

"Both of you are ridiculous."

"I love you," he purrs.


Marko pinches her ass and follows his brother outside while Sofie pays for the beer. The three of them stroll back to the beach and find David and Star sitting in the sand, his arm is slung around her shoulder and they're sharing a cigarette. Star nuzzles into his neck. They look completely comfortable with each other, like they've been together for years.

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