Part 17: Hearts a mess

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Do you think we should tell her about Kevin? Marko asks, glancing over at David. They've decided to talk telepathically just to be safe. This freak could be anywhere and neither of them wants to take the chance of him knowing any more details than he already does. David nods.

We can't waste time. We have to get her back to the hotel. Tonight.

Marko scoffs.

She's not going to like that.

David stops in front of the door, his expression icy.

"I don't give a shit what she likes," David whispers. "You're her sire. You say jump, she asks how high. That's how it goes."

"You don't know her," Marko murmurs. "Not like I do."

David turns on his heel and draws himself up to his full height. Marko resists the urge to roll his eyes. He always does this. It used to be intimidating, but over the years, it's just begun to piss Marko off.

"Control her, or I will."

Marko snarls and grabs David by the collar of his shirt. His brain can barely register his actions before he's slamming his sire up against the building, rage coursing through his body like wildfire. His eyes are yellow. He bares his fangs.

"She's mine," he hisses angrily.

David lets out a low, hollow laugh.

"I thought that would get you going."

He grips Marko's wrist and twists it violently, watching with glee as the younger vampire cries out and backs off. David brushes his coat off and heads toward the door. He glances over his shoulder and smirks. Instantly, Marko knows that all is forgiven.

"You coming?"

"Gimme a few minutes."


The door slams shut behind David as he disappears inside. Marko lights a cigarette, letting out an exhausted exhale as smoke unfurls around him. He slumps against the wall, his chest is heavy and pained. He loves her... or whatever the fuck this is called. He loves her so much that his chest aches, his throat clenches, and he wants to scream. He would do anything to protect her. Anything.

He has to tell her. He doesn't know why it's so hard to just say the words to her face. She rides on the back of his bike, she wears his ring, she became a monster for him. She would do the ritual if he asked, if he explained it to her. That knows for certain. Some vampires spend hundreds of years trying to find the right mate. Dwayne told him that he was lucky to find Sofie as quickly as he did. Marko sighs. He becomes so lost in a black hole of his own thoughts that he doesn't notice that his cigarette has burned all the way down to the filter. The cherry burns his fingers. He hisses and drops it, crushing it viciously with his boot.

"Fucker," he mumbles.

He has to tell her.


He grips the door handle and sucks in a deep breath. For the first time in his life as a vampire, he's terrified.


The bar is almost back to normal - well, as normal is it can be - once Marko and David return. Sofie and Matt are sweeping up broken glass when Marko barges through the door and makes a beeline for her. His expression is intense and there's a beautiful fire burning behind his bright blue eyes. He grabs her face with both hands and kisses her hard enough to take her breath away. Sofie squeaks and giggles, dropping the room and wrapping her arms around his neck. She's home. Marko pulls back and they both breathe hard.

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