Chapter 1 ~ Interrogations

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"Miss Morgan!" Veronica yelled from the front of the room.

"Yes!" I awoke as I shot my head up to stare her in the eyes.

"You listen to me, no more resting your head. I need your attention not your hairline." Miss Veronica started walking over to my desk and placed her pointer on the edge.

"I wasn't sleeping, not this time." I whispered at the last part.

"Very well," and she walked away.

I had no idea what was going on except for the part that I almost had my butt kicked.

Miss Veronica kept an eye on me the rest of class. My book was empty, all that was there were a few words I wrote down to make it look like atleast some notes were copied.

Tip: If you ever don't want to do something, just write down the first few words and cover the blank parts with your arm. Works for me.
( author's note: don't take this seriously )

Bell rang and Noelle waited, as per usual.

"Prixx." She whispered to catch my attention.

I looked around and walked over to her.

"Noelle." I said in response.

"Prixley Ereya Morgan." Noelle grabbed my shoulders.

"There was no need for the full name." I said annoyed.

"So, flooding the girl's bathroom and putting a whoopie cushion under Mr. Roy's chair is just a minor incident and saying your full name has no need?" Noelle crossed her arms.

"Hold up, how did you find this out, and how do you know it was just me?" I was honestly concerned.

"Teacher meetings, teacher expressions-" Noelle stopped, "wait...what do you mean 'just you'?"

"Oh y'know, I might have a partner in crime." I smirked.

Lilith came walking down the hall, "hey Prixx."

We fistbumped as she walked down the hall passing us.

"Lilith!?" Noelle quietly yelled.

"Yeah, what about her?" I had my arms crossed knowing the conversation was almost to an end since the bell was going to ring any minute now.

"Out of...-" Noelle got cut off by the sound of the bell but I could tell she was still ranting based off her facial expressions.

"Huh?" I questioned, putting my hand behind my ear tauntingly.

The bell ended, "Whoop! There's the bell."

I walked away with Noelle looking like she had enough of me for the rest of the week. Mr. Roy saw me from across the hall and stared me down. I gave a straight face and rose my hand up chin high like a stiff wave. He didn't give me a response and just stood there.

I made my way to Mrs. Evans' room and it was plain empty. I was ready to leave and just have a free period until she popped up from around the corner.

"Miss Morgan, I didn't expect to see you here so...early."

"I wasn't expecting an empty classroom." I responded.

"Yes, well all the kids are absent. Except you, that is." She held a book in her hand, it was brown and had golden lettering. Her hand covered most of the words but I managed to see some letters, "A ... L ... CA ... IVE ... R ... E."

"What book are you holding?" I asked.

"Oh, just something I bought a few years back." She tried to hide the book behind her.

"Can I get a free period since nobody is here?" I was honestly so tired I didn't care she put the book away.

"I suppose," she said, and I walked out of the room, "I think Mr. Roy would like to see you" she added as I placed my hand on the doorframe.

I slightly nodded at her and walked away.

Mr. Roy's class was at the other corner of the hall where all the kids would stick their gum on the wall.
My school isn't a top-notch, rich school. It's more of a teacher prison than a kid's. The kids are hard to maintain, and the teachers always have to clean everything up. Mr. Roy is probably the strictest of the teachers, part of the reason I placed a whoopie-cushion under his chair. Almost nothing gets past him, he cares more than anyone else at the school.

"Heading somewhere?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not particularly." I responded as I looked up to his great height.

"Perfect, come on in." He escorted me to his room.

"I really shouldn't-" I tried stalling but he pushed me into his gloomy room.

He locked the door and shoved the keys in a drawer.

"Sit." He ordered.

I took a seat and placed my bag next to me.

"Mind explaining...this?" He held up the whoopie-cushion I placed under his chair.

"Sir, I never placed that or went anywhere near it. I haven't touched one of those in six years." I lied.

"Really? Should we ask Lilith?" He crossed his arms on his desk.

"Lilith probably doesn't even know what a- what that thing even is." I tried to sound innocent, like I had nothing to do with it. In reality, I felt a little like Harley Quinn, laughing at things others might not think are funny and a complete rebel. I was holding in my laugh which was pretty easy since I've trained myself to hold in a laugh in situations like this for the past seven years. Mr. Roy didn't look impressed. He laid back in his chair to the point where you could hear the small squeak it made when it would turn slightly on both sides. He just sat there, arms crossed, holding the cushion I had placed onto his chair.

"Don't you think this is a little...excessive?" I asked, " Gloomy room, no open windows, locked door." I took a pause between the last two words to emphasize the fact that he pretty much treated me like a prisoner. His room seemed really sketchy, it also looked the most different than it had been in years.

"Prixley," he started.

I braced myself for the common teacher talk. It's always something like "never in my twenty years of teaching..." or the " I want you to push yourself and work harder this year, I know you're capable..." anything cheesy like that.

"Listen, I'll admit it, you're not the best student I've ever had. I've had lots of students in my many years of teaching, some good, some bad. You're in that fifty-fifty area."

I rose an eyebrow.

"What I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't be making bad decisions for yourself, especially right now." His fingers were interlocked with each other.

"Are you giving me this 'pep-talk' so I won't humiliate you again?"

He stood up from his chair and his hands slammed onto the desk making a loud sound.

He threw the whoopie-cushion at me, "take that stupid thing and get out of my room." He furiously opened the door anxious for me to leave, he probably didn't want to see my face ever again.

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