Chapter 21 ~ Humiliation

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School resumed the next day and I was pacing to Noelle's first class in the hallway. We normally walk together into school but she just had to miss her bus. I ran as fast as I could, backpack rattling behind me. I grabbed her on the shoulder and used her weight to make me stop in my tracks. She turned around and her auburn hair twirled right in my face. I snorted and went to her side, swiping her hair out of my face.

"I need to talk to you, tonight." I said moving the last piece of my own hair out of the way.

"What?" Said a random girl. That random girl was the one standing right beside me, it didn't take long for her pace to speed up and look backwards at me. She looked me up and down in disgust and right as she turned away, I snapped back to life.

"Hey," Noelle snapped, "what do you need to talk about, tonight?" She asked.

I blinked twice and looked forward, there was no one that seemed to be startled, just people roaming the halls until their next class.

I shook it off and just gulped, "the thing. I just need to talk to you about the thing, tonight." I emphasized the last 'thing' to hopefully help her get at what I was hinting.

She rose an eyebrow in confusion.

I sighed and did hand movements that made it look like I was just hinting at a big blob. She slanted her eyebrows again, this time with really no clue as to what was going on.

I puffed, "the things happening to me, that you agreed to help me on." I made a straight face and did an obvious gesture.

Her realization dawned on her, she mouthed an 'ooooooh' and whispered in my ear. I bent down to get to her height, "Well, you could have just said so." She mimicked my expression.

I gave her another obvious look, "No, not here at school."

"Prixx, this isn't-" She got cut off my proud and silently exclamatory expression.

"Yes, it very much is and-" I managed to get out before she returned the favor of cutting me off.

"...and I am standing in front of the doorway to my classroom as the bell ticks down your last thirty seconds to make it to class on time." She sassed me and gave me an eyebrow-raised smile.

"Last thirty...what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Thirty seconds." she said past pearly white teeth.

I looked back at the dark blue and gray backpack sitting on my back, filled with all of my books and necessities. I exhaled sharply and rolled my eyes as I twirled my body around. I yelled to Noelle before I started running, "School grounds, tonight! Meet me at..."

She held up a thumbs up and smiled, she already knew the time, I didn't even have to tell her anything. This is why she's my best friend and I wouldn't give her up for the world.


I walked into class, my least favorite one, ELA. After almost getting tormented by the teacher, I haven't like this class any more than beforehand, when I still didn't enjoy any of my classes. I sat down in the same seat I have sat in since the middle of the first trimester. Everyone had moved their seats, except me. Every single time the seating chart was displayed on the bored, my lonely, loathsome face stayed plastered on the same place, in the same direction, on the same board. Front row, third desk to the middle, right by the corner of her desk, in the front of the classroom, right by her heating projector.

"Morning class..." her voice drifted off as she saw me fiddling with the pencil at my desk. I was leaving somewhat noticeably small sketch marks across the top of the wood. The graphite stared right back at me, reflecting the light of the room from the ones above.

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